Gotta hand it to our ancient ancestors and all those guys and gals who saw weird things in nature and said … “I wonder if can eat this?” … “This looks yummy.” … or that friend who said … “Dare you to eat that”
And the foods we got out of it only account for those daring adventurous tasters who survived. No one counts all those unfortunate souls who died eating things they shouldn’t have.
My favorite is the guy or gal who first discovered cheese
The first step is the guy or gal who decided … “hmmm … I drank milk from my mom, why not the cow? Or the goat?” … a few hundred years go by … “oh no, the milks gone bad inside this animal stomach I’ve been using as a stone age water bottle … and oh look, it’s all turned into ugly lumps … I wonder what they taste like?”
I never understood it either until I read about some research that suggested that this is probably the way the first people accidentally made the first cheese
Gotta hand it to our ancient ancestors and all those guys and gals who saw weird things in nature and said … “I wonder if can eat this?” … “This looks yummy.” … or that friend who said … “Dare you to eat that”
And the foods we got out of it only account for those daring adventurous tasters who survived. No one counts all those unfortunate souls who died eating things they shouldn’t have.
Like the first person who ate an egg or an oyster was a brave soul.
My favorite is the guy or gal who first discovered cheese
The first step is the guy or gal who decided … “hmmm … I drank milk from my mom, why not the cow? Or the goat?” … a few hundred years go by … “oh no, the milks gone bad inside this animal stomach I’ve been using as a stone age water bottle … and oh look, it’s all turned into ugly lumps … I wonder what they taste like?”
I never understood how people started using rennet to make cheese. That makes so much sense, thank you for making that comment
I never understood it either until I read about some research that suggested that this is probably the way the first people accidentally made the first cheese