Alternative for Germany (AfD), a far-right party founded in 2013, is poised for its strongest national election result yet in Germany.
Initially focused on eurozone bailouts, AfD shifted its focus to migration, gaining significant support and entering parliament in 2017.
The party, now advocating for large-scale deportations and opposing support for Ukraine, has become a significant political force, particularly in eastern Germany, and is under observation for suspected right-wing extremism.
The left constantly tries to defuse it… the problem is that the ultra-wealthy do everything they can to control governing opposition… they run social media conglomerates that tilt people’s highly tailored “feeds” toward a media diet that consequently most benefits them, they donate to all major parties and contests to ensure they most likely get friendly figures into positions, regardless of their supposed political leaning, and they then lobby them heavily. This is worst in the U.S. but people like Mr. X are working hard to do it everywhere else, too.
This means “the left” has so much harder of a time getting a foot-hold in power… and we’re not even really talking about “the left” - we’re talking mildly off-center social democrats. “The left” is nowhere in power outside of a few popular Twitch and YT streaming personas.
The ultra-wealthy are so narcissistic that they think they can rule better than governments, and in their hubris, they are breaking the world and inviting chaos that no one - including them - should want.
“Mario bros. events,” military coups, market instability, outright corruption, and disregarding of agreed-upon societal norms are a direct result of their refusal to just pay taxes, their attempting to tilt scales in their favor, and tin-pot dictatorships will harm ALL of us (including them as well) tangibly. A dragon sitting on a pile of gold being merc’d out of the blue is not a result of a “loss of moral values” or “respect for life” - it’s a result of dragons making people both inconsolably angry and legislatively powerless, and thereby hopeless for anything other than “revenge.” They don’t care they might be burned in “dragon fire.”
Still… besides all major parties being lobbied heavily and infiltrated by the ultra-rich, the world’s almost universal neo-liberal response to COVID has had a major backlash swing - because people suffered, and demagogues swept in to blame scapegoats when in reality, they and their opposition party counter-parts all pushed policies that resulted in everyone else but those at the top suffering far more than they ever should have.