The climate impact of the poorest is nothing compared to the pollution of rich countries anyways and the same is true for factory farming. The money will likely be used for much more environmentally destructive things now instead. There’s nothing positive in this from any progressive perspective.
Sounds like the most extreme of the climate and animal rights activists are about to get a dream come true.
Well conservation and animal welfare efforts are funded by USAID… So species are still going to be killed off
I’m sure PETA will continue to do their part as well.
Are they in the room with us right now?
Talking gleefully about such things as people die is not in especially good taste.
Poor people don’t produce much co2, it’s the rich that cause the problems
The climate impact of the poorest is nothing compared to the pollution of rich countries anyways and the same is true for factory farming. The money will likely be used for much more environmentally destructive things now instead. There’s nothing positive in this from any progressive perspective.