Mace said she was speaking out because her home state’s top prosecutor didn’t take action even after she alerted investigators. That same prosecutor is likely to be Mace’s opponent if she runs for governor of South Carolina in 2026, which she is considering.
Saying she was going “scorched earth,” Mace detailed how, in November 2023, she says she “accidentally uncovered some of the most heinous crimes against women imaginable. We’re talking about rape, non-consensual photos, non-consensual videos of women and underage girls, and the premeditated, calculated exploitation of women and girls in my district.”
Mace mentioned four men as being involved, including Charleston-area businessman Patrick Bryant, who was her fiancé until 2023 and went door-to-door stumping for her during her 2022 reelection campaign.
This psycho has lied and flip flopped so many times now that you don’t even know she’s telling the truth which is sad and horrible at the same time because you’re supposed to believe women when they say stuff like this.
I know someone like that, known them for close to a decade now and something recently transpired but the how and why are contested(stupid mistake or deliberate action was the question). A friend asked “aren’t we supposed to believe the victim?” and all I could say was “I wish I could.”
Yeah I’m not believing shit that comes out of this person’s mouth. Platforming her does more damage to women than ignoring this one proven liar’s words.
If an elected Republican has a problem, they can figure it out themselves. That’s what they’ve told us they want for the world. I would take absolutely no action to help these people if they were in need. Fuck em.
Mace’s yapping about it on the House floor is surely not impeding or influencing that ongoing investigation.
I thought it was clearly stated that they were not going to pursue charges so this doesnt effect anything.
she’s a republican. unless she’s reading out of the encyclopædia britannica, verbatim… she’s lying.
wait. who am i kidding. that’s way above their reading level.
I am willing to believe her that it happened to her and I’m sorry about that.
I am not willing to believe that she would not be okay with it happening to other people considering she supports a rapist president.
Only when they ask for your protection or help with processing it. Not when it’s used as a sole reason for judgement. Deontology, due process and logic.
She stated on the floor that there were pictures, if this is the case then that is easily verifiable or at least shown to be logged in (as there is underage material listed in her complaint) if this is just grand standing and using her position to gain an upper hand against a political rival then it could help lead to laws that would curb this BS ‘political speech’ freedoms that they abuse (in reference the idea that they can say any lie they want to as long as they say they are stumping so the voters know they would never actually do the things said).
I believe her. It doesn’t change my extremely negative opinion of her, her positions, or her actions by even a single iota; but I believe her. Until proven otherwise.