N=133,000 over 40 year time period

Observational study so limitations may apply but the findings do hold after adjusting for a large list of factors I will quote here:

educational attainments, family history of dementia, menopausal status with hormone use status, total energy intake, regular antidepressant drug use, history of depression, BMI, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, neighborhood SES [socioeconomic status], marital status, living arrangement, smoking status, histories of hypertension, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia and intakes of sugar-sweetened beverages, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and legumes, low-fat dairy products, high-fat dairy products, and alcohol

  • howrar@lemmy.ca
    19 days ago

    Thanks, I appreciate the link. I’m a scientist by trade too, but not in a field where hazard ratios would be part of my repertoire.

    My concern is not so much the quality of the publisher (though it’s nice to know) or whether they used methods that are standard for these kinds of studies, but rather whether the general public is coming to the correct conclusions given what the researchers did.

    So based on just this little excerpt, it seems that there’s no casual relationship being established at all. They don’t seem to claim any casual relationship either. On the other hand, the psypost article talks about it as if they did.