I’m probably about an hour into Ni no Kuni, which I bought on sale years back on steam, but so far I feel a bit underwhelmed compared to the hype.

I will say that my biggest complaint is really around the writing and the snails paced intro. Even if you accept the beginning as being a “Ghibli Movie” preface to a JRPG, I actually feel the direction and story telling is much worse than your average Ghibli production.

I’m just past talking to the old tree, and completed what is likely the first dungeon. So far, the battle system is ok but a little bit drab. I feel like the mechanics would have to pick up to make me enjoy the game more.

Should I give it more time? Are there eventually more choices in the battle system or minion growth? Will there be any stand out characters that might alter how I feel about the writing?

  • Wrufieotnak@feddit.org
    24 days ago

    It’s a very slow start, where they introduce one of the mechanics and its tutorial (alchemy I think it was) after ten hours or so.

    So no, if you don’t like the game now for what it delivers (world and creature design, music, battle system), I don’t think you will like it later.

    Especially the battles don’t get better, I often cursed the AI for using spells in the wrong moment. So in the end I turned it off and did everything myself.

    I liked the game, but as one of the other comments said: it’s a mystery who was the target group for this game.