Hi guys,
Until last month I was employed for four years. I just used to have a job at a Pizza place as a driver but due to obvious events that place closed down and I remained unemployed for four years until I got a job at Burger King last month.
What did you do with your time those four years?
A lot of browsing the internet, sites like 4chan, Reddit, Discord, Instagram, DeviantArt, Newgrounds, Fandom, MAL, TikTok, StarBound Forums and KiwiFarms. Playing games such as Halo, GTA, Minecraft, StarBound, Civilization, Doom. I did a lot of weed, hanging out with friends, couch surfing, lean, night clubs, odd jobs, psychedelics like magic mushrooms and LSD, sleeping at hotels, going to bars, sex, seeing family, went on holiday to Hawaii once, cocaine, listening to music, making YouTube videos and I tried programming at one point.
What did you do for income for all of that?
As I already said I did odd jobs sometimes and I’m well connected
What does well connected mean here?
I know where to get things, how to get things and I’ve got associates of associates
Sounds like you’re living in a fantasy world.