The “ethnic group” in question are arrested because they’re associated with Turkistan Movement. A terrorist organization that believes Xinjiang belongs to Turkistan. While members of this terrorist organization are Uygher Muslims, they also attack Uygher Muslims and are arrested by Xinjiang police, which employ Uygher Muslims. Half of the region is Uygher and they’re trying to handle a terrorist situation.
It’s a percentage of the total population. That’s genocide not justice. When the state rounds up roughly 10% of a population it isn’t confronting terrorism it’s being imperialistic.
The fact that Turkic people don’t want to be part of a Chinese state shouldn’t be a surprise given China’s imperialistic tendencies.
Like you are pretending that imprisoning a substantial portion of an ethnic group isn’t just racist genocide?
The “ethnic group” in question are arrested because they’re associated with Turkistan Movement. A terrorist organization that believes Xinjiang belongs to Turkistan. While members of this terrorist organization are Uygher Muslims, they also attack Uygher Muslims and are arrested by Xinjiang police, which employ Uygher Muslims. Half of the region is Uygher and they’re trying to handle a terrorist situation.
It’s a percentage of the total population. That’s genocide not justice. When the state rounds up roughly 10% of a population it isn’t confronting terrorism it’s being imperialistic.
The fact that Turkic people don’t want to be part of a Chinese state shouldn’t be a surprise given China’s imperialistic tendencies.