Had no idea a boycott was happening.
Why are people boycotting a company that tried and took a step back due to backlash instead of supporting them when they tried?
I work at the Target warehouse that supplies the northwest, should be interesting to see if this actually noticably changes our daily product volume. gonna hazard a guess at no probably not.
Works for me though, I’m mostly here for the tuition benefit and I don’t lose benefits eligibility unless we dip below 20/hr/week average which I can’t imagine happening.
Instead if 40 days, let’s try 40 months.
Putting a time limit on a boycott undermines the boycott.
Saw this with the Loblaw’s boycott here in Canada, it was very ineffective because they can just wait it out.
From the point of view of the boycotter, having a time limit helps mentally.
I think more people are ready to think “just buy somewhere else for a bit”. If it becomes “forever” might seem daunting.
My two cents, not sure if this is the real reason.
My wife told me we are boycotting, so lets do this!
I have 3 trans friends and as a super straight middle aged privileged all to hell white dad, fuck these corporate assholes.
I used to pretty regularly shop at target. When they rolled back DEI proactively for trump, I stopped.
Using gift cards is OK if you’re boycotting a place, right? I mean, Target already has the money and you’d just be helping them out if you didn’t buy anything with them.
I’m a school bus driver and I always get a lot of tips (Christmas and end of year) in the form of Target gift cards. BTW yes, I agree that tipping school bus drivers is fucking weird. We already get paid and it’s not like we’re going to drive the kids into a tree if we don’t get tipped.
We already get paid and it’s not like we’re going to drive the kids into a tree if we don’t get tipped.
You might not do it, I however am always looking for revenue streams. If it’s for profit, it can’t be illegal.
Looks at the health insurance industry
Those are Christmas gifts. The parents are just showing appreciation for you already not driving their kids into a tree, not bribing you lol.
No, it’s definitely bribes lol
Not really. The explanation is somewhat complex.
Although target already has the money once a gift card has been purchased, they will not recognise the money as revenue until you use the card.
Suppose my lawn mowing guy charges $50 each time he mows my lawn, and he comes 12 times a year. In January I just transfer him $600 because I don’t want to muck around with smaller payments all the time.
When he calculates his “revenue” for January, should he include the whole $600? It would be more accurate to set aside the $550 he hadn’t really earned yet, and recognise that once he actually does the work.
There’s more geaky accounting stuff I could say, but in summary if you want to send a message to Target management, refrain from using gift cards during the boycott.
I’ll allow it.
Every time I’ve gone into a target in the last 5 years, they legit looked like they were closing down. Idk why people are boycotting them in particular when Walmart and Amazon are way worse.
Every Target I go to is nicer than Walmart and has a more curated feel of products. I agree on the last part but it’s because Target was advertising itself as being more in touch with things such as DEI and then backtracked, where Walmart and Amazon never positioned themselves as much.
Target’s thing has always been to be “Walmart but fancy”. Fun fact, the last “T” is actually silent, and you’re supposed the pronounce it “Tar-jay”
you’re supposed the pronounce it “Tar-jay”
Lmao, no you’re not, that’s just something people started doing to literally make fun of the “Walmart but fancy” image they cultivated for themselves.
Same, I get major K-Mart in its final days vibes: lots of empty shelves, stuff in dented and torn packaging, hostile and surly employees etc. etc.
Browsing through the Target grocery section has always mystified me. Not great selection and everything costs about 50% more than the local grocery stores. I have never understood why anybody would shop there for groceries.
Yeah, Kmart vibes is accurate.
There was a time when Target had a middle class demo they…targeted. But that demo is too small now. They’re either going to need to shrink and market to the top 10%, competing with Whole Foods, or lower their standards and compete with Amazon. Oof, gotta love monopolies. Starting to think this boycott was Bezos’ idea.
Our Target is in pretty good shape, always busy. Wonder what the difference is…locale? Management?
you don’t have to go in my wife orders in the app and they text when it’s ready and bring it out to the car. usually the order is ready within a few minutes.
we are both autistic and do much of our shopping this way it’s soooo much easier I drink why anyone would go in.
Easy, I’ve not gone their in months anyway
I was boycotting them from the point where I quit the job in logistics. That job was awful.
Already been boycotting target
My partner and I had our first children (twins) about a year ago. They’re great.
Before then, I rarely if ever went to this type of store. We don’t have a local Target but we have K-Mart which I think is comparable in Australia.
Honestly I think we’ve done pretty well at buying most of what we need second hand, and then selling it on once it’s no longer required. We also get toys from a local toy library which is amazing.
That said, I’ve sadly become a semi-regular K-Mart shopper because I require some of the cheap plastic junk they sell. A good example is shoes, I can buy a pair of shoes for the kids for less than the cost of a cup of coffee.
The thing is, everything about the store is repulsive. It’s basically a plastic shop. They sell plastic. Even the clothing and shoes is polyester and nylon and plasticised rubber. Also, since we’re here, if I’m really honest about it I would have to assume that the person who made my kids shoes is probably being exploited. That sucks.
Anyhow, I don’t really have a point, just having a whinge and acknowledging that target / kmart is definitely the worst part of having a child.
There’s a boycott? I just don’t shop there because it’s the same crap as everywhere else for more money and a worse experience.
I know right I can just buy it on Amazon /s
Nah Amazon is cheaper and a better experience. Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of reasons not to shop at Amazon, but price and shopping experience are above Target.
Every one of these idiot companies pivoting to cowboy capitalism from rainbow capitalism are clueless about who actually has money in this country.
The billionaires?
Sorry, money they’re actually willing to spend at a store.
Billionaires can’t buy anything at stores, after all “IT’s NOt LIQuID”. 😜
PS: I know that they can buy shit at stores with their lifetime loans while keeping their assets 100% intact, but what billionaire is going to shop regularly at Target?
Warren Buffett?
Nah, that would require Target to actually sell quality products, and Walmart has them beat on quality and price, somehow.
Been part of a boycott for decades and didn’t even know
I felt the same way about Budweiser
Wish I was a tiefling IRL 😔
What’s a tiefling?
A species of humanoid from DND that vaguely resemble devils. Think horns, tails, and red or blue skin.
Ahhh! Thanks.
Tief is German for deep, and -ling is used similarly to English, meaning a creature, often in a diminutive sense but not always. I didn’t know what a tiefling was but maybe this extra info helps.
It’s a dnd person from what I’ve been told.
Boycotting Target and Walmart.