I seriously had a Right-Wing friend of mine try to tell me that
“The Trans needed some pushback because they were simply demanding too much” Card
Which hurt, especially with a “You need to learn to compromise, we’re not asking much. It’s not going to tear your arm off to put biologically accurate data onto government documents.” Stat Boosting Spell Card he threw down when I pointed out that Trump was ordering people to put M’s on Transwomen’s documentation
I’d never been more insulted in my life. Bro had no clue he was legitimately saying the modern version of “Look the Government just needs to know your background, wearing that Star of David in public isn’t going to get you killed.”
Thankfully he was willing to listen when I pointed that goof out to him… He’s still a Right Winger who’s now willing to walk back his statements in favor of “Agree to disagree”
I love my friend and I’d stand up if his rights were being violated, I’m just horrified to realize he absolutely will not show me the same decency.
Kind of ironic that those who preach for a small government are the same who just have to collect as much documentation as possible. Ironic until you realise how helpful that might be if you want to persecute some minorities eventually.
“You need to learn to compromise, we’re not asking much. It’s not going to tear your arm off to put biologically accurate data onto government documents.”
Like… Why though? For what reason does the government need this and why would a normal person even care? I could see that it needs to be documented in medical history but even then they should refer to you properly.
Right? I bring this up a lot, like it just seems to me like Gender Markers on IDs and on Bathroom Plaques that just seem like relics from a time period where the law treated men and women far more differently than it does now.
Like, if bathroom stalls exist, why do bathrooms need to be segregated by gender?
God, does the “Asking for too much” card drive me fucking crazy.
These darn queers and their desire to walk the streets without the risk of being beaten to death, how dare them!
i used to follow ytubers like that they will listen to reason, but was still “anti-wke this or that” something changed during the pandemic and then went full maga.
Ugh, I hate Right Wing Youtubers. You can see Google’s political bias on full display with them. I always find it suspicious that non-political youtubers can’t say “Kill” in ANY context without it being counted as a swearword on par with the N-Word…
But Right Wingers can say the most hateful shit and are still allowed to have a channel with PragerU platforming LITERAL CHILD ABUSE yet still being allowed to do a show targeted at kids.
There was this DBD Youtuber who was spitting straight facts about the horrible decisions made with the game, and then he moves from his first point (bullshit nerfs that feel so random that it’s likely play testing wasn’t done with them) to talking about how the game is “Unrealistic” and to that I said
“Okay… it’s a dark cartoony game where you play Hide and Seek with Freddy Krueger and the Xenomorph, it 's not meant to be reali… Ah THERE we go.”
Why did I say “THERE we go!” Because he immediately jumps to “Like 1/5 of the cast is canonically gay! But there’s only like .0001% of people who are gay in real life”
And I had to point out that “You were cooking… until you got really homophobic.” in the comments
He actually responds to me and gets into a shouting match.
He goes on and on about how the character David King was “Clearly intended to be a straight man”, because his backstory “Had him be VERY manly!”, and that it was an attack on him personally that he was “Changed to be gay”
I calmly told him that the devs can do whatever they want with their characters. I mean yeah if they said “Oh , btw, Laurie Strode’s a lesbian”, that’d be bad because the job of the guest characters is to show them as they were IN THEIR ORIGINAL FILMS! But… they didn’t make Laurie Strode gay, they made David King, a character Behavior created themselves, gay.
He gave me the same bullshit about “David King’s original story had him being manly!”
I pointed out that David King’s CURRENT story still had him be manly, and that manly men exist in the gay community (With David being something of what they call a “bear” in the gay community), oh and the big one… this wasn’t some recent out of nowhere Overwatch-style retcon, he’d been hard confirmed as gay VERY early on… So, wasn’t sure why he was complaining.
Because I knew that (very common and well-known piece of information), I outted myself to him as “ONE OF THEM!!111”, and he said something to me I’ll never forget.
That I was one of the “queers” ruining America, who was as he put it “Offended by Everything and Ashamed of Nothing!”
Now that was the most mask off he’d been all conversation.
I simply asked what was it he felt that I had to be ashamed of… Never got an answer, so I can only assume he didn’t know himself.
Later I found I was subscribed to him, likely had done so early on in his vid. He was live-streaming killer and complaining about a well-known Youtuber who exposes Toxic Players in the DBD community… The whole stream it was nothing but shitting on this Youtuber for, and get this, defending gay gamers from homophobic bullies instead of “Letting them get what they deserve for shoving it down people’s throats.”
When I realized this I left the stream, downvoted, and unsubscribed.
I wish him well and hope he changes, but since I know he’s unlikely to, deep down I hope he’s having a rusty nail shoved up his dickhole and that it gets infected.
I’ve sadly since learned that the homophobe not only was still at the homophobia game, but had gotten the slogan “Ally to the Community” trending through the Toxic Side of the community as a backhanded way of insulting… anyone Pro-LGBT affiliated with DBD.
My point is, I just hate people who do nothing but hate and how they that despite being the clear aggressor, seem to believe they’re never the ones in the wrong.
Nyway, I should lay down for bed, but before I go I must say
“If they have a problem with things being shoved down their throats they shouldn’t deepthroat so fucking hard.”
I don’t know the context here because I am not American. That being said I can see it being useful that there is a record somewhere that someone has transitioned and what medical steps this involved for no other reason than their safety. Things like HRT, or any kind of surgery can have serious complications. Even gender dysphoria itself can lead to suicide. There should be some mechanism in place for Doctors to get this information quickly, and by nature that would probably involve the government. It should obviously be protected information like any other piece of medical data not available to all government workers unless it directly concerns their responsibilities.
There should be some mechanism in place for Doctors to get this information quickly, and by nature that would probably involve the government
This is an insane proposal. If doctors could see such info, so too could the literal Nazis running the government. What you’re proposing as a centralized repository for medical info would instantly become a literal “round up these people and put them in camps” list.
Well everybody’s correctly freaking out the last month.
But It should have already existed for medical use. Back in 2010, it’s not insane.
under pre trump 2.0, everyone has been suffering from a lack of this. It’s almost killed me twice , and has definitely hurt me. Due to inability to synch medications mostly.
European countries have this, you don’t have to start treatments over or get mistreated due to lack of a central database because your doctor retired, or you moved, etc. or you are out of your area and they don’t know what meds you’re on and you end up in the hospital.
That’s paranoid for paranoid’s sake under normal conditions.
But It should have already existed for medical use. Back in 2010, it’s not insane.
If, hypothetically, a single centralized medical records system was established in 2010, the current administration would be able to get into it for their own nefarious purposes of tracking which people are getting gender affirming care, abortions, or anything else they feel like a pretense to go after the “undesirables”
Perhaps in this hypothetical it would have seemed overly paranoid in 2010, but current events clearly demonstrate that such paranoia is well-founded.
It’s still necessary and proper for the purpose of which it needs to exist for. It’s too valuable a life saving tool to call “insane” to implement at sone point, and the sooner the better after we settle this horse shit. Every other civilized country has one.
I seriously had a Right-Wing friend of mine try to tell me that
“The Trans needed some pushback because they were simply demanding too much” Card
Which hurt, especially with a “You need to learn to compromise, we’re not asking much. It’s not going to tear your arm off to put biologically accurate data onto government documents.” Stat Boosting Spell Card he threw down when I pointed out that Trump was ordering people to put M’s on Transwomen’s documentation
I’d never been more insulted in my life. Bro had no clue he was legitimately saying the modern version of “Look the Government just needs to know your background, wearing that Star of David in public isn’t going to get you killed.”
Thankfully he was willing to listen when I pointed that goof out to him… He’s still a Right Winger who’s now willing to walk back his statements in favor of “Agree to disagree”
I love my friend and I’d stand up if his rights were being violated, I’m just horrified to realize he absolutely will not show me the same decency.
Kind of ironic that those who preach for a small government are the same who just have to collect as much documentation as possible. Ironic until you realise how helpful that might be if you want to persecute some minorities eventually.
They wouldn’t be so open to having their information documented. It’s not a big deal unless it’s happening to them.
Like… Why though? For what reason does the government need this and why would a normal person even care? I could see that it needs to be documented in medical history but even then they should refer to you properly.
Right? I bring this up a lot, like it just seems to me like Gender Markers on IDs and on Bathroom Plaques that just seem like relics from a time period where the law treated men and women far more differently than it does now.
Like, if bathroom stalls exist, why do bathrooms need to be segregated by gender?
God, does the “Asking for too much” card drive me fucking crazy.
These darn queers and their desire to walk the streets without the risk of being beaten to death, how dare them!
i used to follow ytubers like that they will listen to reason, but was still “anti-wke this or that” something changed during the pandemic and then went full maga.
Ugh, I hate Right Wing Youtubers. You can see Google’s political bias on full display with them. I always find it suspicious that non-political youtubers can’t say “Kill” in ANY context without it being counted as a swearword on par with the N-Word…
But Right Wingers can say the most hateful shit and are still allowed to have a channel with PragerU platforming LITERAL CHILD ABUSE yet still being allowed to do a show targeted at kids.
There was this DBD Youtuber who was spitting straight facts about the horrible decisions made with the game, and then he moves from his first point (bullshit nerfs that feel so random that it’s likely play testing wasn’t done with them) to talking about how the game is “Unrealistic” and to that I said
“Okay… it’s a dark cartoony game where you play Hide and Seek with Freddy Krueger and the Xenomorph, it 's not meant to be reali… Ah THERE we go.”
Why did I say “THERE we go!” Because he immediately jumps to “Like 1/5 of the cast is canonically gay! But there’s only like .0001% of people who are gay in real life”
And I had to point out that “You were cooking… until you got really homophobic.” in the comments
He actually responds to me and gets into a shouting match.
He goes on and on about how the character David King was “Clearly intended to be a straight man”, because his backstory “Had him be VERY manly!”, and that it was an attack on him personally that he was “Changed to be gay”
I calmly told him that the devs can do whatever they want with their characters. I mean yeah if they said “Oh , btw, Laurie Strode’s a lesbian”, that’d be bad because the job of the guest characters is to show them as they were IN THEIR ORIGINAL FILMS! But… they didn’t make Laurie Strode gay, they made David King, a character Behavior created themselves, gay.
He gave me the same bullshit about “David King’s original story had him being manly!”
I pointed out that David King’s CURRENT story still had him be manly, and that manly men exist in the gay community (With David being something of what they call a “bear” in the gay community), oh and the big one… this wasn’t some recent out of nowhere Overwatch-style retcon, he’d been hard confirmed as gay VERY early on… So, wasn’t sure why he was complaining.
Because I knew that (very common and well-known piece of information), I outted myself to him as “ONE OF THEM!!111”, and he said something to me I’ll never forget.
That I was one of the “queers” ruining America, who was as he put it “Offended by Everything and Ashamed of Nothing!”
Now that was the most mask off he’d been all conversation.
I simply asked what was it he felt that I had to be ashamed of… Never got an answer, so I can only assume he didn’t know himself.
Later I found I was subscribed to him, likely had done so early on in his vid. He was live-streaming killer and complaining about a well-known Youtuber who exposes Toxic Players in the DBD community… The whole stream it was nothing but shitting on this Youtuber for, and get this, defending gay gamers from homophobic bullies instead of “Letting them get what they deserve for shoving it down people’s throats.”
When I realized this I left the stream, downvoted, and unsubscribed.
I wish him well and hope he changes, but since I know he’s unlikely to, deep down I hope he’s having a rusty nail shoved up his dickhole and that it gets infected.
I’ve sadly since learned that the homophobe not only was still at the homophobia game, but had gotten the slogan “Ally to the Community” trending through the Toxic Side of the community as a backhanded way of insulting… anyone Pro-LGBT affiliated with DBD.
My point is, I just hate people who do nothing but hate and how they that despite being the clear aggressor, seem to believe they’re never the ones in the wrong.
Nyway, I should lay down for bed, but before I go I must say
“If they have a problem with things being shoved down their throats they shouldn’t deepthroat so fucking hard.”
I don’t know the context here because I am not American. That being said I can see it being useful that there is a record somewhere that someone has transitioned and what medical steps this involved for no other reason than their safety. Things like HRT, or any kind of surgery can have serious complications. Even gender dysphoria itself can lead to suicide. There should be some mechanism in place for Doctors to get this information quickly, and by nature that would probably involve the government. It should obviously be protected information like any other piece of medical data not available to all government workers unless it directly concerns their responsibilities.
This is an insane proposal. If doctors could see such info, so too could the literal Nazis running the government. What you’re proposing as a centralized repository for medical info would instantly become a literal “round up these people and put them in camps” list.
Well everybody’s correctly freaking out the last month.
But It should have already existed for medical use. Back in 2010, it’s not insane.
under pre trump 2.0, everyone has been suffering from a lack of this. It’s almost killed me twice , and has definitely hurt me. Due to inability to synch medications mostly.
European countries have this, you don’t have to start treatments over or get mistreated due to lack of a central database because your doctor retired, or you moved, etc. or you are out of your area and they don’t know what meds you’re on and you end up in the hospital.
That’s paranoid for paranoid’s sake under normal conditions.
If, hypothetically, a single centralized medical records system was established in 2010, the current administration would be able to get into it for their own nefarious purposes of tracking which people are getting gender affirming care, abortions, or anything else they feel like a pretense to go after the “undesirables”
Perhaps in this hypothetical it would have seemed overly paranoid in 2010, but current events clearly demonstrate that such paranoia is well-founded.
It’s still necessary and proper for the purpose of which it needs to exist for. It’s too valuable a life saving tool to call “insane” to implement at sone point, and the sooner the better after we settle this horse shit. Every other civilized country has one.
The USA is not civilized enough for a federally operated and mandatory centralized medical records system. Not even close.