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So, funny story. I like to joke that I’m prescient.
In 3rd Grade, about the year 2000, I heard a news story about Vladimir Putin. This was long before I understood fuck and all about Jack and shit. I told my mom “that guy is pure evil.” I remembered her telling me “Gotta give Russia a chance.” I’m fairly certain she meant a “chance to remove him” now, but at the time I was like “ok, but he’s clearly evil.”
25 years later I remember that as my second premonition. I’m sure I heard something from someone about how he was behind the apartment bombing false flag and that’s what connected it.
The first premonition was when I grabbed a pillow in the car and squeezed it about 20 seconds before my dad hit an ice patch in our car and spun out into a bridge wall. Again, I’m sure I just got frightened by the cold weather and being on the road for about an hour.
Unfortunately, none of it has been terribly useful. Although one time I had a dream where they had rib sandwiches as school, and if I went with the burger I would be disappointed because my friends were all talking about this crazy good sandwich they served at school. So I got the rib sandwich and it was amazing and they were right.
the ribwich is back!
Wasn’t that why they installed Краснов in the first place?
And trump won the dick sucking contest!
He’s still going for the world record
Honestly this is insane to me given the Trump crowd skews much older.
Literally the generation growing up in the Cold War, having evil Soviets ingrained in them from childhood, and now Russia being happy with our policies doesn’t raise a red flag for them? Our President being pals with the ex-KGB Putin doesn’t mean anything to them? Hello??
Everything has always been fake news and undrained swamps before new Jesus… Uh… Trump… came along /s
I guess they like the red flag 🇷🇺
Let me tell you what I learned living around rednecks my entire life. They are the exact same as deer. They are dumb, they have no ability to have foresight, to think ahead or to plan. They just exist. My wife calls them NPCs. They go to work, breed constantly wothout thinking about money, drink beer, buy a truck and hate strangers. That’s all they know how to do so anything that any republican says, is blindly followed. They also mostly believe they are good Christians regardless of their deeds as long as they go to church. Religious people are the most easily manipulated of us so this is right up their alley. They are taught to follow and not question. I’m very much sure that a large majority of them don’t have inner voices or a concept of critical thinking. Just like deer, they just BE.
Maybe a controversial take on Lemmy to defend religious people but here goes. I don’t think it’s fair to place the blame on these people. I think for the most part, they are doing the best they can with the skills and capacity they have. None of these people, who you are denigrating by comparing them to literal animals, are born terrible people.
So ask yourself, who is to blame. Is it the fearful, working class person to the left of you in the store? Is it your neighbor who is fearful of transgender people because they don’t understand them? Or perhaps the family down the road struggling to make ends meet and don’t have the capacity understand the real cause of their struggle.
Or is it the media culture that constantly instills fear and hate into them. And the church that no longer preaches godly values, but is instead filled with grifters and charlatans. The rednecks are not the cause of the US turmoil, they are not your enemy. What is the difference between a redneck and someone with a successful career? Opportunity. Care. Support. Anyone can be successful with support.
It is the capital class that seeks to sow fear, hatred, and division. My honest view is that these people are vulnerable and hurting and they have been exploited. Place your hate where it is deserved, the ultra wealthy, who for decades have been allowed outsized influence to manipulate the people of the US.
Hate to admit it, but you’re spot on. I’ll add, in a D&D sense, they’re lawful good. They can’t imagine breaking laws, nor bending them, are shocked that others do so. Hard to explain, but it’s a thing I see IRL.
And yes, values of “good” may differ, but they have a hard-core version of “good” they follow unerringly. They see no nuance in behavior or politics, only black and white, good and evil. They’re like the annoying paladin in the group that fucks everything up over a moral stand.
tl;dr: Religious rednecks are devils, atheist rednecks like me are demons.
Well of course it does. They finally have one of their own puppets back in the oval office
Putin wears his watch very loosely
Fuck this shit.
It is our fucken duty to sabotage anything that tries to free the noose around Moscow’s neck. If they want to lift the sanctions we should lift their necks from their shoulders. Fucking kidding me? Remember McCarthyism? This is fucking batshit insane.
Remember “Red Dawn”, back when we thought that Russia would try to take over the US with military might?
What a masterclass in asymmetric warfare that they’ve managed it with a few well placed memes
Well placed memes? There has been a massive, concerted effort to disrupt US politicsl perception since the 2000s, and only succeeded because tech billionaires were willing to play ball.
And they won on memes. Do you not see how social media influences us all? Hell, Mexican dude at work yesterday was talking about how Trump will lower our taxes. (He maybe makes $20 as a supervisor, I make $15 as a noob.) Imagine that. Really take a breath and think on it. Where did that idiot belief come from? Memes.
Ah yes, the White, Blue & Red.
That tends to happen when you have successfully installed your puppet as the president of the United States.
Who knew it would be easier to conquer America than it would be to conquer Ukraine…
People that can see and think for themselves.
Note: this excludes a massive portion of US citizens.
Christ, what a surprise. Almost fell off my unicorn when I read that.
Is it me or is murican’s discourse lining up with “bringing democracy to Ukraine by force”?
Congrats, murica, you sure owned the libs