Its basically like a cloud storage, and your local storage (your brain) gets wiped every loop. You can edit this file any time you want using your brain (you can be tied up and it still works). 1024 Bytes is all you get. Yes you read that right: BYTES, not KB, MB, or GB: 1024 BYTES
Lets just say, for this example: The loop is 7 days form a Monday 6 AM to the next Monday 5:59 AM.
How do you best use these 1024 Bytes to your advantage?
How would your strategy be different if every human on Earth also gets the same 1024 Bytes “memory buffer”?
That’s a lof of information and a lot of time. E=mc2 is just 5 Bytes. I would save couple of currency exchange rates with dates, buy and sell prices.
Something like this:
That’s like 41 Bytes.
Leaves me with 983 Bytes so let’s say I save 2 more so I am left with 901 bytes.
Bet on broker with highest ledger and withdraw my money. Order private jet or buy plane ticket, get to place with best weather and waves ( just store airport name that’s like 6 letters FLY#LAX) and just spend the rest of week there chilling.
Looking at ocean, maybe learn some surfing. Do some hiking, enjoy my life for a week without needing to work.
I can store airports I was before. Like BEEN#LAX#BCN#ASD#ASD#ASD. 900 characters is about 225 airports in format AIR#POR#TXX. That’s a lot, given a year have 52 weeks that is 4.32 years of travel saved. So here I am planned my 4 year trip with 1 KB.
If everyone are stuck in loop I don’t care, store info to just stay at home, cover windows so noone knows I am here and play games or draw or learn some piano because it’s just hell. I have candles and enough food for a week at home so I think I will survive without looking at this shit show.