Besides Tunic, there are still several good to great games in the first dozen (and no doubt a bunch more if you’re willing to dig into the smaller indies):
Cook, Serve, Delicious - Overwhelmingly Positive (95% of 3,631) all time
Hoa - Very Positive (89% of 2,098) all time
Tangle Tower - Overwhelmingly Positive (95% of 4,760) all time
Octodad: Dadliest Catch - Very Positive (93% of 8,480) all time
Whispering Willows - Very Positive (81% of 1,166) all time
Hidden Folks - Overwhelmingly Positive (97% of 7,333) all time
Eldritch - Very Positive (88% of 1,673) all time
They Bleed Pixels - Very Positive (84% of 2,014) all time
Yeah, I prefer the gameplay in 1 because it’s more fun and fast-paced to me. You can disagree if you want, doesn’t affect my enjoyment at all. I’m confused why I got downvoted for my opinion.
I didn’t downvote you! I only downvote trolls. Anyway, that’s fair, since the lack of prep forces players to be quick on the trigger, so to speak. I guess I seek a bit more “realism” in a sense, since actual restaurants always prep. I wonder if 3 might strike a decent medium…
Besides Tunic, there are still several good to great games in the first dozen (and no doubt a bunch more if you’re willing to dig into the smaller indies):
God, Cook! Serve! Delicious! is so fucking good. Tbh, I still think it’s the best one even though I have all of them.
Really? 1 doesn’t let you do advance meal prep, whereas CSD2 does (I haven’t tried CSD3 yet). Anyway, both 2 and 2 are in this bundle.
Yeah, I prefer the gameplay in 1 because it’s more fun and fast-paced to me. You can disagree if you want, doesn’t affect my enjoyment at all. I’m confused why I got downvoted for my opinion.
I didn’t downvote you! I only downvote trolls. Anyway, that’s fair, since the lack of prep forces players to be quick on the trigger, so to speak. I guess I seek a bit more “realism” in a sense, since actual restaurants always prep. I wonder if 3 might strike a decent medium…