Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has called for an “immediate” summit between the US, EU, and Western allies to discuss Ukraine following a heated White House meeting between Trump and President Zelenskyy.
The February 28 meeting ended without agreement on a minerals deal after escalating into a confrontation over US aid and peace deal conditions.
Meloni warned that Western division “makes us all weaker” as European leaders reaffirmed support for Ukraine.
EU foreign policy chief Kaja Kallas commented that “the free world needs a new leader,” while European allies worry about being excluded from US-Russia negotiations to end the war.
Don’t know what business a russian puppet state has being in NATO. The sooner the US is kicked out of NATO the better.
America is pro Russian anti Europe. This charade of pretending like the US isn’t is a waste of time.
Just saying…it’s fucking Trump and his genocidal narcissistic billionaire Nazis that are sucking Russian cock…There are millions of us agast and horrified at this goddamn heel turn to Russian scum…and fuck me lots of us in the US are dumber than dog shit with no ability for critical thought.
Slava Ukraine!
Trump and Elon are. I doubt the same is true for most actual Americans.
Maybe not, but the majority of voters apparently support Trump - so effectively that means USA as a country supports Trump. (And thus the USA as a country is no longer reliable or trustworthy.)
Sentiments of “most” Americans matters as much as “most” Russians. Useless equivalent of thoughts and prayers when it doesn’t stop the people in charge.
Sad but true 🙁
Who is in charge, though?
Grossly misinformed and deliberately un(der)educated voters.
Hard pass. He would just use the opportunity to rant at our diplomats like he did with Zelenskyy. We wouldn’t want to sign any deals with a criminally insane dictator anyway.
The bond is broken, the ship has sailed. Time for us to pursue a Europe First strategy. Post haste, preferably.
And it’s not just investments into military hardware we need to make but also pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, etc. We need to become independent as soon as possible.
The groundwork is there. We can do it if we really want. MEGA will beat MAGA, and screw Trump and his puppet master.
MEGA is a great idea, just don’t let maggots…I mean magat style insanity infiltrate. I’m so ashamed of my country
I hope so. A good step would be for the UK to rejoin the EU but that seems unlikely to happen in the next decade. But we need to build solidarity and resilience, and like you say, increase our independence as much as feasible
As an American, I endorse this message.
Too late Meloni. The EU needs to decide without the AmeriKans.
AmeriKlans XD
Meloni warned that Western division “makes us all weaker”
No shit, that is literally the reason Trump is being divisive
I am Italian and I beg the EU to ostracize Meloni and Orban as much as possible, especially in this crucial moment. As fascists and Putin puppets just like Trump, their simple plan is stall things long enough for Ukraine to be in an even worse situation.
I am not Italian, rather swedish, but what I have seen from Meloni in reality is that she has taken a very firm stance against Putin and his war on Ukraine and has given huge amounts of military equipment (scroll down to Italy to see what military equipment they have given) and and money to Ukraine. Meloni has never stood in the way of political decisions to support Ukraine or sanctions against Russia to my knowledge, rather has been at the forefront of implementing them and has continuously condemned Putin and Russia’s agression. Exactly in what way is Meloni a puppet of Putin?
I would start from removing dollar reserves from european banks. The value of money is only when people believe it have value. So if US money won’t have any value Europe won’t need US help.
I approve. As an American, I have been trying to swap my savings for Euros, because it feels like that the American Dollar will hyperinflate. However, I have a concern:
Musk is likely to try to install a Muskcoin and create a X Everything app, so that he can control the money of Americans. The EU will need to offer Euro banking services in the Blue States to oppose the establishment of Muskcoin. Also, blacklist American billionaires from European fiscal institutions, such as not accepting the swap of Musk’s dollars for Euros or EU properties.
DOGE will fuck with the FDIC, force banks out of business. Musk tweets “Don’t worry, X has secured a contract from this great administration and have started XBank! All accounts and money from all US-based banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions will be migrated to XBank. Download the app immediately. X account is required to access the XBank app. This will be the only way to access your money so get your account today!”
And then their server center burns down from the enormous influx of traffic, Musk pockets the money, and the entire world sweeps into something worse than the Depression because a good chunk of the entire world economy simply doesn’t exist now.
His kiddies had write address in the treasury.
I picture the economy able to leave to Russia on any second Friday.
This is coming down the pipe I can see it now. All transactions will also be settled in dogecoin.
I’ve never expected that the Cyberpunk eurodollar is about to be defictionalized.
Gonna get me some Eddies
What’s the conversion to nuYen, chummer?
(My first and formative experience with cyberpunk is actually Shadowrun 2nd Edition)
That could actually aid the US, of they were to shift again to a strong industrial base, and become an exporting nation.
That wouldn’t happen under current cost of living conditions and with this administration. And if it does happen at some point, well that’s the positive path out of this mess no? I don’t think there’s a solution that doesn’t involve getting most Americans decent paying work.
Everyone deserves a decent wage. It’s wishful thinking but maybe this mess is the straw that breaks the camels back and systems shifts.
Meloni probably wants to congratulate Trump.
How fucked is the world, when Meloni is the reasonable one…
I’m Italian and I would have never thought that Meloni would be the reasonable one in this shit. Oh well.
She is just trying to act as interface between Europe (edit) and US. No idea why Italian government is always convinced to have a special relationship with the US, most likely because they are non threading to US hegemony as Germany or France are.
Denmark thought so, too. And of course Hungary still thinks it. When everybody thinks they will get special treatment from the US, internal cohesion suffers, as evidenced by this “summit” bullshit.
Because Italy has no natural resources and we evolved into the perfect slave of American neocolonialism. Without the US buying our shit, we would have our economy in shambles.
France and Germany (our actual major trade partner btw, US is second) have made VERY different investments.
We have also never been imperial powers (both France and Germany were and to some extent are). I guess we have a different history in general, though.
BTW, we deindustrialized in the last 25ish years, we were actually above Germany as an industrial power. So I don’t think it’s just economic dependency.
We have also never been imperial powers
Italy did maintain colonies in parts of what today are Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia, among other places, albeit the Italian imperial project was comparatively short in both time and space.
Yes, I am aware. Despite the cruelty (especially in Eritrea) it was a parody of a colonial power, and I wouldn’t call it an empire.
Fair enough. I couldn’t tell from your original comment.
Multiple Ceasars are spinning in their graves, at your first sentence. 🤣
That wasn’t Italy that was something else Altogether but in the geographic area of italy, the real Italy we all know and love began in the 18th century as an effect of Napoleon’s conquest then loss. Before that it was an geographic amalgation of principalities and kingdoms. All different currencies, armies, borders etc.
At that time the concept of Italy didn’t exist :) it barely exists now.
Never been an imperial power, aside from when we created the concept
Meloni’s summit proposal is a reminder that Europe won’t sit quietly while sidelined by Washington.
The USA absolutely cannot be trusted as an ally. If a war we’re to break out right now I truly do not know what side I’d be on.
Wouldn’t be surprised to see a headline soon saying that discussion broke down too.
“Don’t tell me how to feel. We’re gonna feel great. You know what? I didn’t hear a thank you from you. We’re gonna put the world’s biggliest Olive Garden right here in America’s 53th state, how about that, Meloni? It’ll be the best deal.”
Trump to Meloni: “You’re not holding any cards and I’m seeing unlimited f$#&ing breadsticks on my new golf course, Meloni. MAKE THE DEAL MELONI. I’M SUCH A GREAT DEAL MAKING GUY.”
–Future headline
I know which side I’d be on, just not sure which side my government will be.
Everyone everywhere needs to boycott and move away from American products and services as much as possible. Do not travel to America. Cancel your Netflix, do not use Airbnb, avoid American wherever you can.
We’ve been doing that in Canada for a few weeks now. It’s fun.
🫡 And that has been well and truly noticed. You’re doing great. Keep it up and hopefully the rest of the world will follow.
And you’re right, it is fun, and liberating.
This here so much. /a German
I understand that Meloni is struggling with cognitive dissonance here because she loves Trump and the American far right but also recognizes Russia as the obvious enemy to Europe that they are (and thereby making Ukraine our natural ally).
But the time for courting is over. America has become a hostile nation and they might actually be our enemy soon.
Increase European integration and federalization. Increase defense spending and fund a European MIC. Organize into a joint European army. This and only this can be our way forward or we will be crushed between two fascist superpowers.
Italian here:
Meloni and her government do not perceive Putin as an enemy AT ALL. One of the most prominent members of her government even said Putin should receive a Nobel Peace prize.
Meloni and Orban are just fascists, in the case of Meloni even belonging to the excised appendix of a literal Fascist party.
Please take them at face value!
Thank you, I’m aware they’re fascists but it seems I was a bit misinformed about their stance on Ukraine and Russia.
I understand that Meloni is struggling with cognitive dissonance
They are doing what every politician and ruler does, they lie to the public and do whatever gets them more power and wealth.
It’s actually worse. I think Meloni is not in the game for power or wealth (at least, not mainly), she is someone who is in for her ideas. The problem is that her ideas are shitty neofascism.
fascism had no ideas neither, their ideas were shifted constantly to whatever suited them best. This person hanged to fascism to get votes and distanced from it once elected to keep votes.
No, I think they had ideas. In Italy at least the ideological pillars were quite clear and are the same as they were 100 years ago. Support to industrial class (capital) was a constant and still is. Militarism, religion in politics, nationalism, racial discrimination, anticommunism etc. also. In general I agree that fascism is not an ideology as much as a way to conduct politics. But Italian fascists did not evolve or change in the last century. Maybe we can discuss how nationalism became atlantism (because anticommunism prevailed), but apart from that, I see quite a lot of stability in those ideas.
No, I think they had ideas. In Italy at least the ideological pillars were quite clear and are the same as they were 100 years ago. Support to industrial class (capital) was a constant and still is. Militarism, religion in politics, nationalism, racial discrimination, anticommunism etc. also.
None of these things were a mussolini constant
I am aware of my own country’s history. Socialist roots of Mussolini contributed to the ideological foundation of fascism, and some of these roots are somewhat visible and remained until today in neofascist parties. For example, looking at how Forza Nuova and Casapound have deep roots in more proletarian suburbs and operated things like food delivery to poor people (only Italians, of course). The appeal to lower class while ultimately making the interests of capital is one of the reasons fascism is a hard disease to get rid of in Italy.
Not sure what you meant with the second link. The chapter of mixing religion and state is a very long discussion, and the racial discrimination is so obvious that I won’t even try to argue it (from colonialism, to folks songs like “faccetta nera”, to the practice of madamato).
In any case, the fascist tradition in Italy has been stable. Meloni is from Almirante’s school, for example, and honestly I would be hard pressed to find substantial differences in core pillars of Almirante’s party and Fratelli d’Italia.
Do you have any concrete example perhaps of areas in which fascist parties in Italy changed positions substantially over the years?
Do you have any concrete example perhaps of areas in which fascist parties in Italy changed positions substantially over the years?
They always do like they are doing it right now
Same in Slovenia when it comes to far right. They were drooling over Trump (our PM at the time even congratulated Trump on winning 2020 elections before the official results) and also painted themselves as biggest Ukraine supporters. Now I’m not sure where they stand and how they rationalize the situation, since I’m off X and Facebook.
I couldn’t agree more. I’m an outsider to Europe, unfortunately, and find myself as a Canadian increasingly seeing America in much the way Ukraine must have felt about Russia in 2010. Europe is the last hope for democracy and the rule of law in the world right now.
I hope we can greatly strengthen our relationship between the EU and Canada.
Same here my friend. Terrible times in the world, and the only way to survive such times is cooperation
What does she think she’s going to accomplish inviting the US, except sabotage?
Oh wait, she’s a fascist – that’s exactly what she’s hoping to accomplish.
Georgia Meloni is an embarrassment for Italy.
It’s Giorgia. Georgia is a nation fighting against a corrupt government and Russia to remain in the EU orbit and potentially entering it as a Member State, they don’t deserve being associated with a fascist.
It’s Giorgia
And she is a mother [cit.]
Cool, at least the US isn’t alone
News flash: most countries have assholes in charge by now. Latest member to the club: us. /a German
(Arguably Scholz was already a criminal asshole)
all were shitheads, außer Mutti.
Scholz and Merkel have their flaws, but they’re not fascist buffoons. Yep, that’s where the bar is right now.
i explictly excluded Mutti! and don’t worry, i’ll call a fascist a fascist. the other bourgeois character masks will still always be shitheads once in office…
Italy needs to understand that thinking you can reason with Trump makes Europe weaker.
In fact, this works with all countries. He’s a literal baby. He doesn’t understand or want to hear your reasoning because he knows he’s right. As soon as everybody understands that, the quicker they can get to the task of isolating the US as much as possible.
Italy is probably not acting in good faith. Meloni is a serious piece of shit.
Italian here, I feel ashamed of our PM. It is even more ridiculous how she endorsed the relationship with US just a couple of weeks ago and then Trump started doing even more shitty things.
Not to downplay Italian politics, But Trump is not acting in good faith either. Trump is a serious piece of shit too.
Italy’s leader is like actually a neofascist
And trump and his GOP friends aren’t? The only difference is that Italian fascists can use the nostalgia card, so their rhetoric is clearer.
Which is probably why she’s so keen to talk to Trump, who’s also a fascist.
I am surprised that after all what have been happening in just the last weeks any entity would consider Trump’s words to have any value of any kind, they end having no reliability nor accountability, how could be worth any reasoning attempt?