right now, i can’t think of anything other than the BFB hit in Splitgate.
Basketball net’s swoosh on a perfect shot going through it.
“Mission complete” sound on Space Cadet Pinball
I know it’s way too broad and probably very generic of an answer, but music. Cannot live without it since I am pretty much constantly listening to it if I’m not watching a video.
Same. Genre doesn’t matter, just match the mood. I’ve built a library of 250k songs, basically my own Spotify of everything you can think of. I put the Spotify app and plexamp on every device I own, even my work laptop, and have speakers and automation in every room to play Coffee Beats playlists during the day if I don’t have anything specific I want to hear at that moment.
A chirping/trilling cat.
Is that boss music?
Heavy rain on a roof.
Avalanche goal horn
Cat Sounds
Star Wars (EP.2): Seismic Bomb
Iron Man repulsor firing
Edit: And the obvious common stuff like rain and so on.
“Womp womp”
The sound of katydids on a summer night in new england. I haven’t heard it like this anywhere else: https://freesound.org/people/Femur52/sounds/644301/
The sound of an English country garden on a Sunday in summer.
This is a composite of several sounds all of which must be quiet or distant enough to not be a distraction but which in conjunction are glorious:
- childrens’ laughter just far away enough to not be bothersome
- bees buzzing from flower to flower
- a propeller-driven light aircraft from a nearby aerodrome (ideally this would be a vintage plane with a Merlin engine, gently warbling in the distance)
- the sound of leather on willow, and the occasional call and muted cheer, from a cricket match on the village green
- the gentle burble of a stream
- church bells, far enough away that their individual peels almost blend into each other
- the clink of ice as someone pours a perfect gin and tonic.
my son’s laugh
A dog snoring or sniffing, a cat purring, idk