I bet Don Jr. is on his way to the White House as we speak, to plea to daddy not to stop imports from Colombia.
Small price to pay for standing up to fascism.
Pretty high price I suspect, on our bananas
Coffee. That’s gonna piss off a ton of Americans
"We are the opposite of Nazis.”
Very nice, I like it.
My trainee from Colombia just got his visa renewed last week. He’s applying for medical residency programs that start this summer. Is he just fucked now?
I mean, if it’s a valid visa he should be good. How long are they good for, a year?
E: Looks like H1-B visas are two years:
The tariffs and visa crap don’t matter to Colombia, the banking sanctions could be serious. As in serious enough to cause other countries to react. Probably not for Colombia alone, but if he thinks that’s a weapon to use, it’s going to get used against us in worse ways.
All other countries should go ahead an impose severe sanctions on the US now if Trump doesn’t reverse sanctioning our (now former) allies.
True, but also what he wants. It gives him the excuse to use the military, or refuse to use it to defend an ally. He’s looking to break NATO and the EU. Leaving nothing to stop Russia, and most likely to help attack directly. Greenland is a forward staging area for the US to attack or even just threaten NATO countries. Even if he doesn’t get it, the fight creates opportunity to draw resources away from Ukraine, helping Russia. Also creating the situation where the US is isolated with aggressors all around, making the case for martial law and canceling elections. That’s the goal, shut down democracy, and lock in authoritarian rule.
If Trump uses the US military to attack an ally, it would first off cause NATO to respond. Dead US soldiers is never a good thing, not even for Trump, and that very much will happen.
If Trump invades Mexico, US soldiers will be hung from bridges, that is a guarantee. Let’s see how well trump handles that.
I get that trump is out for chaos, but there are limits even to him
He’ll put our troops in harms way, let them get blown up, then scream for vengeance for the atrocity he staged. It got us into WW2, it’ll get us into WW3.
Trump got us into WWII?
Trade embargoes got us into WW2.
And here I was thinking it was pearl harbor… I’m so dumb!
But sure, we can step back before that and say it was the US oil embargo of japan.
Then again…
If we do that, we can just as well take another step back. The US was drawn into WWII because Japan occupied French Indochina in 1941… See, japan was a bit deep into the whole land grabbing game, which caused that embargo.
We can go back to the beginning of humanity but I feel like we can just leave it at that the US was drawn into WWII because Japan attacked pearl harbor and then Hitler declared war on the US because Hitler was an idiot.
The US government thinks it’s getting revenge, but actually it’s protecting Colombians from predatory companies.