Why is it never those jets which crash?
Why lift travel bans if charges are unresolved? Justice system looks compromised
So reading between the lines here, Romania has lost the political will to take this any further.
They’ve been allowed to flee to the US, where Romania will find it difficult to extradite then.
This just really fucking sucks. These assholes aren’t going to face justice, and will continue building a media Empire by spreading hatred and misogynism.
Omg get the fuck out of my country
Romania or USA?
USA, but I wouldn’t wish him on Romania either. Send him to Russia.
And the shit stains known as the Tates never came back.
Trump is like “I think these guys really understand me when I say to grab them by the pussy. I should abuse my position of power and help them.”
First batch of gold cards
America is the biggest shit hole in our solar system
Sure, kid.
Prove me wrong, ill wait junior
You sure will, Sport.
Like your family, im sure ill be disappointed, bub
Lol. You’re the one that started talking down to him. You’re a silly one.
Keep sucking that thumb, bub
Now I can’t remember why I waited so long to block you. Oh well.
Is it a Boeing jet at least?
That got a surprised snort-laugh out of me lol
Florida is a sanctuary state for rapists.
No, even Desantis said he doesn’t want them there: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/florida-gov-desantis-says-andrew-tate-brother-tristan-are-not-welcome-rcna194055
Off to start their new jobs as Entertainment Directors at Mar-A-Lago.
Were we getting low on misogyny?
no, fetid stench
Headed straight to Mar a Lago
Hey, it’s those r*pist immigrants that the conservatives are always going on about.
Skipped bail or let go?
First chance to skip bail is in March, we’ll see if they fly back
Oh they won’t be going back
They got 5 mill for a gold card then.
indeed. political asylum aint what it used to be.
Threatened by Trump.