A GOP town hall in Idaho turned violent when private security, LEAR Asset Management, forcibly removed Teresa Borrenpohl for speaking out.
The incident escalated after Borrenpohl questioned a panelist’s anti-abortion stance, leading to her being dragged out by unmarked security. Sheriff Norris, present but in plainclothes, did not intervene initially.
LEAR, known for aggressive tactics, was revealed to have been hired by the town hall organizers. Police later revoked LEAR’s city license and clarified that removing someone for speaking out is unlawful.
The incident shows rising tensions and the blurring lines between political events and private security enforcement in conservative areas.
What a fucking piece of shit.
Edited to add - there aren’t supposed to be any consequences for speaking up. That’s part of what we supposedly all value about our nation you fucking poseurs wrapped in your US flag and preamble to the constitution prints!
"burn the witch!" - Bejarana (almost certainly)
That’s just it - these types have always loathed actual freedom. At least freedom for anyone other than themselves.
Easy Rider could be rather uneven in places, but this scene just NAILS IT:
“You represent freedom.”
Thank you for the reminder to rewatch Easy Rider!
Hey Lemmy:
Remember how some of you dip shits kept saying “Freedom of Speech is not Freedom from Consequences” like that wasn’t one of the most fascist statements ever spoken?
Do we see now why you should have used your brain to explain the difference between government and private actions on social media rather than just mindlessly repeating something you heard?
Let me help you out there.
The consequences in this statement will exclude stuff like imprisonment or illegal actions, as it would otherwise not constitute free speech. What is meant by consequences in that statement is social consequences, like being ignored, being “cancelled” or maybe being called names, like bigot.
For some reason people like to lament that “you aren’t allowed to say this bigoted thing anymore”. This statement rightly points out that you are, but people are also allowed to call you an asshole for doing it.
I literally referenced that in my comment.
The point is that the rhetoric is so poorly and foolishly phrased that it erodes the actual rights of the people.
It’s not foolishly phrased. The limits of the consequences are implicit by using “freedom of speech”. It feels more like you are just foolishly interpreting the statement. The statement doesn’t even pertain to the article in the post.
I’ve only ever seen it being used correctly to point out that speech having social consequences does not mean you don’t have freedom of speech. If someone says “oh woe is me, why can’t I say the n word anymore”, I don’t think going into a 30 minute tirade about the intricacies of freedom of speech is going to work out for you.
You don’t have a Constitutional right to say the N word at your job, but you have a Constitutional right to ask your government questions.
They’re not the same thing, as equally important as they are to you.
I’m going to laugh when you people get sent to the work camps as the “consequences” of your speech while you’re too stubborn to admit that the rhetoric you use can have unintended consequences.
And that is all i ever need to know about you.
Think of me when the judge/jury drops the “consequences” line on you!
What are you smoking and can I have some
Getting in my practice runs. I’d suggest you guys start working on your cardio now, it’ll be easier on you than having to develop your endurance at the end of a DOGE cattleprod.
^ Wut the acktual phuck are you even talking about here?
How did the people on Lemmy bring about the jackbooted thug shit at this town hall?
deleted by creator
The phrase is eroded to you because you can’t understand it yet. Not to everyone. The actual rights of the people is to speak at town hall, not to puke hate speech from their phone out to a teen app for sharing your thoughts. You do understand that it is most likely that you will be cattle prod long before the people you hate, right?
This is a brain dead take. Freedom of speech is very much not freedom from consequences. Freedom of speech only guarantees that the government will not punish you for expressing yourself (which is kind of the problem with this video).
If you say something stupid or racist at work, or in public that gets filmed and goes viral, you can say muh free speech all you want, and still get fired with cause. Freedom of speech is not going to save your job.
This take is just incredibly dumb. No one would ever interpret it that way. They are doing this because they are bad people.
Black and white. There is no gray here.
The consequence is mercenary thugs attacking you? Are you mentally insane? Is that the same as when a platform bans a misinformation prince of death? Which is government again? Is it the hateful manchild posting on twitter or is it the fucking town hall meeting
What a catastrophically dumb take. People WERE explaining that freedom of speech only prevents the government from taking action against you based on your speech, and even then that it’s limited. If you missed that then you’re too ignorant to be commenting on the subject.
Calling the phrase fascist is just bafflingly stupid as well. Saying that people are not free from consequences of their speech in NO WAY supports the use of physical force to quell people’s right to participate in politics for the simple act of asking a question. Any interpretation of “freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequences” that concludes that it means that all speech should be subject to any consequences is embarrassingly brain-dead.
You’re free to be this clueless on a public forum, but you’re not free from being called out for your dumb take. That is a consequence. It doesn’t mean that a big muscly dude can justifiably take your phone and smash it into pieces so you can’t comment anymore.
is all of midwestsocial like this or just you
Just the smart people.