Since Donald Trump’s election, his opposition party hasn’t acted much like one. The same cannot be said of Bernie Sanders, who hit the road this weekend in red states in an effort to stoke pushback to Trump’s slash-and-burn plutocratic governance.
People also forget that he’s legitimately not a democrat. Bernie Sanders is an independent, he joined the democratic party when he was running for president but left afterwards.
Bernie is a true patriot.
Also not a true democrat, not corrupt enough. The Democratic party leadera sidelined and ignored him in fear of real changes he would bring years ago.
People also forget that he’s legitimately not a democrat. Bernie Sanders is an independent, he joined the democratic party when he was running for president but left afterwards.
We need to clone him into different versions.
Solid Bernie, Liquid Bernie, Solidus Bernie.
Luigi Bernie please.
I want a sexy Bernie I can put on a poster to hang on my wall
Bernie Dawn, Bernie Day, and Bernie Dusk.
How I would love to hear that 200,000 units are ready, with a million more well on the way.