I miss malls. I miss the dynamic nature of them. I miss exploring them. I miss seeing all the things that people could buy. I miss the atmosphere. I miss the fountain you throw your pennies in. I miss meeting so many different people. I miss the escalators. I miss the joy of going into the mall pet shop and seeing the animals warm up to you. I miss sitting at the food courts, eating my weirdly quality pizza and taking in the ambiance. Hell, I miss getting lost in malls.

One of the things that feels like a stab in the heart as an aspiring parent is I will never be able to take my kids to the mall and have them experience the same experience. I look at malls now and want to cry. Look at me, a commie crying over a pillar of capitalism. That’s how much of a friend malls were to me, yet nobody I know will say they relate.

  • lennybird@lemmy.world
    6 days ago

    A mall store called World of Science back in the day helped propel my interest in science and exploration. Miss that store…

    I miss the nostalgia of going to Toys R Us with my parents. I can still smell that new plastic smell occasionally that takes me back. I wonder what type of plastic that is because it seems more rare nowadays… Certainly carcinogenic lol.