I mean, if I had to choose between the chair, lethal injection, and a firing squad… I always thought they shot for the head though, so kinda surprising they go for the heart shot, though I suppose an open casket funeral is preferable. Heart would take longer for death, wouldn’t it?
You may already know this, but if not, you should be aware that there is growing concern regarding the lack of oversight surrounding cadaver donations to science.
If I could really choose a death method, I think gladiatorial combat to the death would be pretty dope. Just throw death row inmates in a arena and PPV it. Let guys in for life with no parole or 300 year sentences have a go too if they want. Not for a reduction in sentence or extra benefits or anything though, just to do it. If dudes survive, let them fight again in the next show if they want. Could even give profits to the victims families.
“…both fought bitterly. But Guy knocked his adversary from his horse and kept him down easily with his lance as he was struggling to get up. Then his opponent, running nearer, ran Guy’s horse through with his sword, disemboweling it. Sliding from the horse, his sword drawn, Guy attacked his adversary. A continuous and bitter encounter followed with exchanges of sword blows, until, worn out by the weight and burden of their arms, they threw away their shields and hastened to win the fight with their strength in wrestling. Iron Herman fell prostrate to the ground, and Guy threw himself on top of him, pounding the knight’s mouth and eyes with his iron gauntlets. But just as one reads of Antheus, the prostrate man gathered strength bit by bit from the coolness of the ground and slyly made Guy think he was certain of victory while he rested. Meanwhile, having raised his hand very smoothly to the lower edges of the mail coat, where Guy was unprotected, and grabbed him by the testicles, he collected his strength for a single effort and threw him from him, breaking open all the lower parts of his body by this grabbing throw so that the prostrate Guy grew weak and cried out that he was defeated and was going to die.” - Galbert of Bruges.
I’d deal with several seconds of consciousness, but the minutes to hours of agony when lethal injection fails to knock you out would be hell.
I asked my mother a long time ago why they don’t do executions under full anaesthesia, and she said it was to cause as much pain as possible which I fully believe.
I have a hard time believing those stories though.
If a sudden blood pressure drop is enough to make someone fall unconscious immediately with blood still flowing to the brain, then a full blood pressure drop with no blood flowing to the brain should have the same effect.
If I had to guess, eye and mouth movements are probably from the nerves going crazy after being severed at the brain stem.
I mean, if I had to choose between the chair, lethal injection, and a firing squad… I always thought they shot for the head though, so kinda surprising they go for the heart shot, though I suppose an open casket funeral is preferable. Heart would take longer for death, wouldn’t it?
Open casket funerals are kind of weird if you think about it anyway.
Firing squad would be my preferred choice, if they aim for the head. With a shotgun full of 00 buckshot. Or maybe by howitzer if that’s an option.
Although really I’d like to donate my body to science, let someone else get some good use out of it when I’m done.
It was (kind of) an option at one point: blowing from a gun.
I’d imagine getting shot by a squad of howitzers would make the whole world your open casket.
You may already know this, but if not, you should be aware that there is growing concern regarding the lack of oversight surrounding cadaver donations to science.
I’m aware. There’s also this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard_morgue_case
But that’s the extreme. I’m not too concerned about it, after all, I won’t be using it any more.
If I could really choose a death method, I think gladiatorial combat to the death would be pretty dope. Just throw death row inmates in a arena and PPV it. Let guys in for life with no parole or 300 year sentences have a go too if they want. Not for a reduction in sentence or extra benefits or anything though, just to do it. If dudes survive, let them fight again in the next show if they want. Could even give profits to the victims families.
“…both fought bitterly. But Guy knocked his adversary from his horse and kept him down easily with his lance as he was struggling to get up. Then his opponent, running nearer, ran Guy’s horse through with his sword, disemboweling it. Sliding from the horse, his sword drawn, Guy attacked his adversary. A continuous and bitter encounter followed with exchanges of sword blows, until, worn out by the weight and burden of their arms, they threw away their shields and hastened to win the fight with their strength in wrestling. Iron Herman fell prostrate to the ground, and Guy threw himself on top of him, pounding the knight’s mouth and eyes with his iron gauntlets. But just as one reads of Antheus, the prostrate man gathered strength bit by bit from the coolness of the ground and slyly made Guy think he was certain of victory while he rested. Meanwhile, having raised his hand very smoothly to the lower edges of the mail coat, where Guy was unprotected, and grabbed him by the testicles, he collected his strength for a single effort and threw him from him, breaking open all the lower parts of his body by this grabbing throw so that the prostrate Guy grew weak and cried out that he was defeated and was going to die.” - Galbert of Bruges.
You probably want to go with the firing squad
Good god…
It’s a good thing you don’t get to choose
Yes, but it’s more certain and not much slower.
I think the Guillotine would be a good choice.
I would honestly prefer to be blown to bits by a sufficiently large explosive device, but that’s not an option (as far as I know).
I had heard anecdotes of the head surviving for several seconds before death in that case. The aesthetic is top tier though.
I’d deal with several seconds of consciousness, but the minutes to hours of agony when lethal injection fails to knock you out would be hell.
I asked my mother a long time ago why they don’t do executions under full anaesthesia, and she said it was to cause as much pain as possible which I fully believe.
I have a hard time believing those stories though.
If a sudden blood pressure drop is enough to make someone fall unconscious immediately with blood still flowing to the brain, then a full blood pressure drop with no blood flowing to the brain should have the same effect.
If I had to guess, eye and mouth movements are probably from the nerves going crazy after being severed at the brain stem.