I came across this cryptic phrase in a description of an old D&D adventure Tale of the Comet . In context, it seems to describe the designer solving a problem of game balance by having the powerful technology items have limited charges / uses before expiring. But I cannot parse prophet-squeeze-monster and I certianly don’t recognise it as a classic trope. Any ideas?

  • leaky_shower_thought@feddit.nl
    8 days ago

    it is a generic style of storytelling where heros / adventurers / PCs are dragged into a quest by some all-knowing-seer / noble / fate.

    an example application of this is when a king(prophet) summons the party, tells them “we are currently waging a war against xxx evil, hero bros” and said hero bros party are the hope of the kingdom. party then buffs up and does the training arc(squeeze) for the scripted big bad(monster) showdown.

    an obligatory roll to persuade the king is now the meme to challenge classic trope and makes it more fun~