I’ll never be as happy as these two halves of geode
@Flocklesscrow @fossilesque and you’ve not even seen them yet with a cookie each.
@Flocklesscrow @fossilesque they are crushing it.
@Flocklesscrow @fossilesque or they have a crush for cookies, if you prefer.
Does this count as fossil-esque?
Some geodes (not this one though) actually are fossilized crinoid heads. They’re found in southern Indiana.
Geodes crystallizing for an infinite amount of time will eventually want cookies
The scientific way of writing “heh, looks like cookie monster lol”
I think the bottom pic must have had some special coockies considering the eyes.
Character’s blue fur (bottom)
I didn’t realize those weren’t googly eyes until I read the blurb
Rock looks blue when we shine blue light on it 😂
This is fluorescence, which turns invisible light into blue light. Like how your teeth and some clothes glow at a rave or glow bowling alley.
This is how many years old? Not sure why it’s being treated like news.
According to a combination of webpages, geodes can take anywhere from thousand to millions of years to form … So you’re right, this new isn’t just old, it’s geological.