According to a report in the Financial Times, unnamed sources close to Honda said that the automaker would be willing to resume talks only if Nissan CEO Makoto Uchida stepped down and retired. Last Tuesday, the Financial Times reported Honda CEO Toshihiro Mibe’s relationship with Uchida had deteriorated after Honda’s boss finally understood the depth and breadth of the company’s financial mismanagement. Then, another twist.
My personal thought: Nissan’s Board of Directors will boot him if they think this merger is crucial.
Honda doesn’t want this to happen. They’re under pressure from the Japanese government to keep the company going so the country doesn’t lose a heavy industry company. This is probably a demand to try to wiggle away.
Idk why the Japanese government doesn’t just become a stakeholder in Nissan
Probably because that isn’t how Japan does things. Also, it means that the country doesn’t own part of one company, spring favoritism.
Sounds like the Nissan CEO is pro Nissan.
Sounds like he made poor choices, got Nissan into financial troubles and somehow thinks he’s negotiating on even footing with the much larger and healthier manufacturer Honda.
Damn dude, I should’ve started with an ELI3.5 or requested a TL’DR.
I think they should have a duel and the loser has to resign
the loser also has to commit sudoku
Difficult to tell if this was a joke or autocorrect. Being forced to play a game (sudoku) as a loss, sounds… odd.
Seppuku is the Japanese word for a type of honorable suicide by cutting your own stomach in a Z shape (or at least attempting to).
This is a pretty common joke, you would have heard it if you left your fucking house once in a while Gary.