Explanation: As noted, the ancient Romans were very fond of portents, good and bad, whose form could take essentially anything mildly unusual. From how many birds you saw, to tripping as you step off of a boat, to being met by an unexpected person upon returning from a trip. This, of course, is CLEARLY an omen! But… is the omen good or bad…?
Explanation: As noted, the ancient Romans were very fond of portents, good and bad, whose form could take essentially anything mildly unusual. From how many birds you saw, to tripping as you step off of a boat, to being met by an unexpected person upon returning from a trip. This, of course, is CLEARLY an omen! But… is the omen good or bad…?
Well it’s French, so clearly bad.
We’re not looking at this from all angles, it could also be the Netherlands if its sideways, maybe even Luxembourg.
What’s the red and blue bit then?
(Sorry French folks, I love you. Except some of the ones in Paris. I only tolerate you. I seriously can’t eat bread so stop being dicks).
So bread causes pain?
Nicely done
(Also yes. It sucks so much)
Huh, now I know where Robert Jordan got it from for the Seanchan