That’ll fix the conditions causing people to flee to the US for a better life!
Yeah. Those good for nothing Dems would’ve just kept funding the war in Gaza. Glad they’re stopping this bullshit.
making exceptions to allow humanitarian food programs and military aid to Israel and Egypt to continue.
Because fuck everyone except those perpetrating a genocide, I guess. How lovely.
Man all those people who chose to not vote bc they didn’t want to be supporting a genocide…sure showed us…
Tbh those people didn’t swing the election.
Its those “I voted Joe last time and egg prices didn’t go down” attitude 🙄
If they were too insignificant to listen to, they’re too insignificant to blame.
That’ll teach you for being pragmatic vs basically bragging that you have accelerated their death. History books will praise those who abstained from voting, I’m sure…
Too bad, voting could have stopped the genocide, right?
Well not voting made it worse, so congratulations I guess.
To be clear, I voted for Harris.
I’m just not impressed by people acting like the Democrats are better on this issue. Both candidates had full throated Israel’s dick and were happy to continue funding genocide.
Having once worked for a US foreign aid contractor and seen the budgets for these projects, I can tell you that most of the money goes to American companies supporting American jobs. The aid is mostly in the form of technical expertise in certain subject areas. Some material aid is distributed, but it’s a pittance compared to the billions that stay right in the US or that go to Americans working overseas. Also, these projects grease the wheels of influence in these countries. It’s a carrot to play nice with the US.
Halting foreign aid as if it is some suspect thing just kind of shows these goons don’t know how it works.
Also, these projects grease the wheels of influence in these countries. It’s a carrot to play nice with the US.
I doubt Putin would want US hegemony to take a hit! /s just in case.