I felt like an actual adult for the first time when I realized that this is true for everyone. It may not be SpongeBob socks, but people don’t fully lose their childhood. They can’t always express it because we don’t accept it societally (though I think we’re getting better), but everyone still has something. I think that’s why people will say that they never really feel like adults, because they see it in themselves, but they can’t recognize it in their peers (or more likely, their mental images of people their age/with their responsibility level that they developed in childhood). My sister has been a teacher for over two decades and has two children, and I can still make her giggle at a dumb joke or squee over something cute, but that doesn’t mean she’s not a completely capable adult. She, of course, thinks she’s still a kid inside, and I chose her as my example instead of myself, because I think of myself that way too. At my age, my parents had been together for fifteen years, had a child and owned two houses (boomers, man), whereas I’m newly married to a fellow student and we live in a shithole 35sqm apartment. Of course, I’m an immigrant who spent years mastering the language here and is getting a masters degree in the instruction of that language, and I’m actually pretty accomplished and emotionally mature, but that’s harder to measure as a milestone of adulthood.
You’re totally correct. Everyone does have something they refused to put down. I remember reading that one poem about the ‘time has come to put away childish things’ when I was growing up and I thought ‘I’m not going to give up comics. I love X-Men.’
Well now that I’m in my 40s, my mom was going through my old toys and she found a bunch of old action figures. I took a few and put them up around my desk. I get a lot more people stopping and asking questions about them now. They might not know Shatterstar or Omega Red, but they recognize the message. Find what makes you happy. Fuck everyone trying to make you feel bad for liking something for ‘kids’. It’s all distractions anyway and I like watching an anime about the world getting turned to stone and some dude helping earth rediscover science. What else am I supposed to be doing?