I’ve used Nextcloud for a long while but only for cloud storage and photo backup from my phone. I’ve moved the latter to Immich and just replaced the cloud storage with Seafile.
So far everything is hunky dory but I was wondering if anyone who’s run Seafile for longer has any insights for things to watch out for with it. I’m following the documentation backup solution and I’m the only user (so the whole db/file de sync during backup isn’t an issue)
I’ve been meaning to try https://github.com/kd2org/karadav out, lightweight server that supports nextcloud applications. Has anyone else tried it out?
I haven’t, but it’s on my list. I also want to try copyparty. Currently, I use SFTPGo, it works pretty well. They both don’t support Nextcloud apps, but I use Round Sync on my phone.
All of your files are now in a proprietary directory unlike nextcloud, enjoy
All his files are secure and properly synced… unlike Nextcloud.
Yes but you can’t access them outside of seafile, which is a downside for me
I mean they’re synced super fast to every file system. It works really well. Wayyy wayyy faster than nextcloud too. You can access them on that file system. If you want to “directly” access them you can always use the fuse driver. This being said there isn’t really a need to because all the files just are synced to your file system.
I don’t understand your message. What did you wanna say with “proprietary directly” and “unlock Nextcloud”?
I meant unlike! Thanks
That was one reason I procrastinated so long about moving. But I figured I’d take the plunge and see how I get on
I went NC, seafile, NC for the same reasons. NC is way too bloated but it does file sync well.
Seafile is lightning fast but I don’t feel comfortable only being able to access files through their apps.
If you are the only user then use seafile pro. It’s free for up to 3 users.
Good point. I will make that move
I think garbage collection is a thing that needs to be run on a regular basis. If you’re using the community edition of Seafile, you’ll need to shut down its services and run an offline garbage collection. If you get a pro license (I think up to 3 users are free), you can run the garbage collection online, i.e. without shutting down the service.
Android app doesn’t have file search last I checked (pro feature).
No full text search on app or website (pro feature)
The app will just randomly stop being able to connect to the database. I use docker and mariadb. It will just fail for no reason. Restarting the docker stack doesn’t fix it. I use the redeploy button on portainer to get it working again. I use lots of databases in many docker apps, nothing else does this.
I want to change to owncloud OCIS
I’ve tried OCIS in a docker and just couldn’t get it to work properly. If you have a good tutorial please share!