My first time trying to shoot the Horse Head nebula! I have a stock Sony a6000, which cuts out most of the hydrogen red signal, but thankfully enough got through to at least make this a solid attempt.
The data is about 45 minutes worth of 30 second exposures out of my Sony and a Ttartisan 500mm f6.3 lens, on a star tracker.
Due to the very limited total integration time and the stock camera I had to stretch pretty far while fending off artifacts here and there.
Overall I’ll take it, will revisit in the future.
Feedback appreciated!
I could probably get away with a bit more saturation on the colors, it’s already pretty noisy so I might as well
Damn dude that is an impressive first shot! I’ll be interested to see a side-by-side when you do give it another go, as well 😊
Thanks! I have to drive for an hour to get to a bottle 4 to shoot most targets I have in mind, about a week every month with no moon, one night only on any given week due to work schedule and the weather has to be good as well… Which I’m sure is a struggle everyone in here is familiar with :p
This target in particular will be unavailable in the summer months when the weather is always nice, so I’ll try to give it another go in a few days and see what happens.
I’ll post a side by side comparison to hopefully highlight some improvement!