They say she lost the will to live and that should have meant she could be mind tricked. But I believe her strong will to die would have prevented it.
Ah, the “they only work on the weak-minded” plot device?
waves hand
“they only work on the weak-minded”
She died of a broken script . . .
Can we get a gif where she blinks every ten seconds?
I heard a head canon about this recently that the reason Padme dies is because Palpatine used the force connection between her and Anakin to siphon her life away in order to save him. Since we know that the myth of Plagueis was real (Sidious was his apprentice and they made Anakin together) it would also be the payoff for that concept. And the only proof of this is the order of shots (Padme dies as soon as Vader’s helmet locks in place, plus something else I can’t recall), something that Lucas loved to do.
Some screenwriter years after the movie