That would be fucking grand.
We won’t be so lucky.
This is fucking hilarious. For months post Trump getting shot at, Alex Jones was saying that Trump was gonna have his plane shot down by a missile. He claimed that he had a dream about it that was actually a vision from God and that he hoped the Trump team was listening so they could prepare. To find out there was an actual worry is pretty fucking funny. Alex probably knew there was a worry, because he’s an insider for Trump, and decided to do his characteristic prediction saying it was from God so that if it happened, he proves he has prophetic powers even more than he says he already does.
I have mixed feelings about that, because on the one hand I fucking hate that festering pustule that is Alex Jones and I absolutely revel in him being objectively wrong all the fucking time.
Jesus take the wheel
Jesus take the
Ah yes, fulfillments the old prophecy of Revelation. Someone has to be the Antichrist, why not Trump?
Was a long article comparing it… and yeah long and short without going through stretches… big things to note is the biblical antichrist will fool most of the faithful, lie constantly, boast like crazy, the 7 heads could be in line with the 7 trump towers etc…
one more interesting thing that after those articles came out (was durring his first term), that to me jumps out is there’s something regularly interpreted as a death/resurection of the antichrist. Basically it’s described as a wound to his head, that vanished as if it was never there.
Which could be interpreted for trump in multiple ways. (IE the bullet to the ear, or even the lost 2020 election that most considered him defeated in politics and done for).
I’m waiting for a third of the satellites being knocked out of orbit.
Alex is doing his own predictive programming now!
Why a missile? Iran has drone fleets, it would be way easier to send a drone swarm. Wouldn’t even have to be weaponized, just hope one gets sucked through an engine.
A 757 can suffer a failed engine, no problem. Probably has a good enough glide ratio to suffer a two engine failure at enough altitude. Missiles are faster and can reach higher altitudes.
Dems would rather nuke iran than see this kind of meaningful progress.