Sorry little rodent, but I guess it was just your time. *gulp*

I posted this on “r/AnimalTracking” and jokingly asked if anyone could ID the species. Someone over there suggested I try it here. I know it’s a long shot, but I figured why not? Regardless, it’s a pretty neat print. I’ve never seen anything like it. This is northern Vermont. The print is roughly 18-24” long. It was under a deciduous tree, near my house, in a fairly open field. --r/WeeGreyCat

Yes, I’m very much stealing this content from the evil empire, but sue me! That said, the username is above if anyone wants to see their original post.

    26 days ago

    Everything to me is saying Barred. Once I reread and saw the measurements, that locked in my answer. Snowy and GG are rarer and would be a decent bit bigger, and the face shape doesn’t look Tyto.