Boy am I glad I don’t blindly agree with articles even from news sources I like. I’ve seen the video, I don’t need to be handed my opinion.
And not everyone shares your opinion, so all good.
If you saw that interaction and thought America was in the right then all is not good
I like what Trump is doing.
So does Putin, he LOVES it when we assault our own allies with pro-russia lies
What the fuck is this headline? Trumpler was being a little bitch.
AP News came up with the headline, not me
Yelling incoherently isn’t a thrashing.
AP News disagrees with you
They just want to be back in Trump’s good graces, after the press corp nonsense.
So you think AP News is compromised and is bowing down to Trump?!
Seems that way, you posted the article.
what would me posting a link to an AP News article have to do with AP News being compromised as a news agency?
It doesn’t. I’m very unclear why people can’t criticize the headline for an article you posted. “They wrote it not me.” No one said you did.
It is a very strange headline, no? It isn’t odd to draw a conclusion that there might be an issue with the AP editorial direction possibly attempting to curry favor with an administration for which it is at loggerheads.
The article itself is less favorable, but the headline is all Trump would read anyways.