I would like Stewart to do this to Musk:
Unedited interviews are bold, but let’s see if Musk handles real scrutiny without edits.
“I will do it if the show airs unedited.”
That’s the best outcome. Therefore he will be a scaredy musk and elon his way out of the show. Hopefully it will be like his attempt to elon his way out of buying shitter and we will get a full unedited interview and at least a could of people might realize he is so full of shit and a damned junkey.
Make it live to make sure everyone sees it
I hope the security is light.
I hope the audience boos Musk when he walks out looking like the loser he is.
I wonder if it can even be a live interview or if jon will have to do an offsite recorded interview like all of the ones on his pevious show.
cowardly mod censoring for “civility” over the call for a righteous fight against fascists.
Stewart is training his wordplay right now like a Rocky montage.
The chances of him being sober for this are next to 0
Chances of him not attending are also close to 0.
Think you mean 100, as a chance of not attending being 0 would mean he would be attending.
Hope they just shoot him in the head. Also please put me on the list of people who want to see that motherfucker dead.
removed by moderator
Don’t care, upvoting anyways
Trump too. Hell let’s not stop there. All 1% needs to gtfo
“So we wanted to start this interview off with a bang.”
That would be the single greatest moment of televisual history
He’ll find a way to back out. Musk is stupid, but not that stupid.
They said that about Rod Blagojevich, and the desperate nerd for attention is what pushed the truly irrational decision to do an interview.
Still, he might get cold feet of he expects a hostile audience.
Rod Blagojevich
Why I’m not surprised that the current president pardoned someone that tried to sell a seat to the us senate
Holy shit, I just realized that Trump commuted his sentence
Well yeah, he was a contestant on the president’s reality game show.
He’s also extremely overconfident and narcissistic
Remember when he challenged Zuckerberg to a fight? There are limits.
I would have loved to see that fight happen. Both are human garbage, but Zuckerberg is apparently a high level BJJ competitor. I think it would have been pretty one-sided.
Well, that’s true, but the fact that he said, “I’ll only do it if they air it unedited!” makes me think he thought they would say, “no,” and he’d be able to decline while saving face. My gut tells me he’ll make up another excuse now. I’d love to be wrong, though!
I’d expect either escalating levels of demanding ways to absolutely guarantee it couldn’t be edited in hopes of unreasonable.
Ultimately it could be like the Zuckerberg fight, where Musk just ghosted the conversation when he couldn’t figure a way to nope out of it gracefully.
Just keep his security goons away from the production facilities and equipment. In fact, they should hire three times the amount of security Musk has. Just remember, they have been deputized by the U.S. Marshall Service, so they have the power to arrest people.
Elon won’t do it. He’s a pussy. He will back out and start calling Stewart a pedo on social media.
He might convince Trump to add tariffs on the Daily Show.
He could just go and say/do something that would prevent airing
Then if they take it out it’s been edited
I assume they’ll have to edit for length regardless - so I imagine they’re planning to make the unedited clip available online, like they’ve done with their other extended interviews. Lot less restrictions on what can air that way, too.
What is he going to do, whip his dick out? I’m confident someone would leak it even if it didn’t make it past S&P.
I imagine he’ll go one start dropping hard r’s and quoting mein kampf and when the daily show wants to beep it out he’ll throw a fit and send lawyers to block its release.
Retarded is his new favorite word.
As pc as using pussy as an insult.
Every accusation by musk is an admission
No he won’t! He’s not a huge pussy! What about that time he fought mark zuckerberg?
Just like when he backed out of that fight with zuck
It should’ve been some kind of extreme badass death match deluxe: nobody gets out of the cage while any one of them is still breathing.
The live-action reality remake the American public deserves
It would even deserve to be some kind of royal rumble format!
Either. Either one of them.
I agree that “either” is more specific. And I don’t mind being reminded of it.
Otoh “any” is defined as
∃ x
and every definition I found explicitely specified that cardinality is irrelevant. Either then is a subset of any, not a separate category.So imho this isn’t a mistake and you’re way more unconditional than you should.
PS: as long that everyone remains sufficiently mutually understandable we should adopt a descriptivist attitude towards languages instead of a prescriptivist one.
PPS: Don’t get me started on language as a class marker. This is a threat. c:
Oh, no language policing intended. I was just doubling down on the bloodlust.
As much as I hate Musk, that would have been so beautiful.
Stewart is smart and funny, but he’s nice. He’s going to be pleasant and welcoming, smiling and cracking jokes with one of the evilest men alive. Very good comedian against a very polished, smiling Nazi.
This is not an easy match like Stewart against two unprepared lightweights (Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala) on Crossfire. Elon Musk, for all his myriad faults, is not stupid, and will be well prepped.
I’m not excited about it. Too much could go wrong.
What about Musk makes you think he’s polished? The time he randomly accused a diver of being a pedophile because he got his feelings hurt? Or when he told his customers to go fuck themselves? When he did a Nazi salute?
The dude is the the most idiotic and unpolished famous person ever.
What about Musk makes you think he’s polished?
Hmmmm. Nothing, I guess. ‘Polished’ is probably some unwanted prejudice baked into me, thinking a rich bastard must know how to present himself as businesslike to bankers and other such bastards, but sweet jeebers maybe you’re right. I’ve certainly never seen Musk be anything but an unwiped ass.
Reminder that he got fired as CEO of one of the few companies he legitimately founded, twice.
He’s spoken live several times recently and “polished” is the last word I’d use to describe him.
That was 21 years ago! And where others might expect someone to slow down, I think Jon Stewart’s spending all the time since then writing, interviewing, producing content, and fighting in Congress will suit him well. I think we’ll see a meaner, hungrier Stewart.
I really hope we get a chance to see it.
Go listen to his recent podcast interview with Raheem Jeffries where he just let’s Jeffries gaslight him for an hour. It was embarrassing.
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really hope you’re right.
I’ll throw in a few reallys of my own. Really really really.
And my really!
If anyone can do this it’s Jon Stewart. I know he’s mentioned on several occasions that he doesn’t have any political ambitions whatsoever, and he’s been true to his word. But sometimes circumstances allow great men to take great leaps, and on rare occasions, do great things.
The fact that The Hill is already running a piece trying to play him off as a comedy star from an era that has all but vanished due to the corporate landscape, is all I need to know to believe what he has to say. They’re already trying to downplay and dismiss the results before they’ve occurred.
What are the terms of the interview? Will it be in person in front of an audience, via webcast, in front of the burning reichstag, etc…
Maybe Jon can tucker carlson elon.
I rewatch that crossfire clip regularly. It’s my happy place.
Zelenskyy was also a comedian first.
People forget that popular comedians are usually incredibly intelligent. Conan graduated MCL from Harvard.
Yeah, frankly, its hard to be a great comedian, while also an idiot.
Which is why conservative “comedy” is just a bunch of slurs. They can’t come up with actual jokes.
To be fair, Conan is not typical, and his brain needs to be studied by scientists after he dies lol
Damn I didn’t know Harvard issued medial cruciate ligaments
What are the terms of the interview?
Musk just wants it to air unedited. Which means no matter what they do, he would be able to claim it was edited if things don’t go his way and he ends up looking like (an even bigger) fool.
Just shows how stupid Elon is. Stewart is an accomplished interviewer, with the backup of being a comedian. Watch Stewart keep his composure after smashing his coffee cup the other night. He assessed the cut, laughed it off, and finished the monologue instantly. Elmo doesn’t have the composure to handle a problem like that.
Was that a trick cup and fake blood, or the real deal?
Was real, they taped him up during the commercial to finish the interview. Probably just a minor cut, but at his age he’s probably on blood pressure, or heart meds, so small cuts bleed like crazy.
So do a single camera and air it live.
Do multiple cameras, but display them all continuously, and then do all the tricks people use to try to make it obvious no editing was done and put them in the foreground and background of all the angles.
Nah…He’d still play the it was edited bullshit. The only thing that is nearly impossible to defend is “it was edited while being played live”. There, his embarrassments are his own, and they’re very very hard to downplay to any other causes.
Attach a scope to that “camera.”
The thing I hate though is whenever someone interviews Elon it seems like they can’t help but crawl right up his ass. If you wanna see real cringe look at Bill Maher’s interview with him. Now he criticizes Elon, but when he had him on I’m pretty sure he was what that AI video of Trump and Elon was trained on.
Maybe stew beef is different, but I figure if Elon detects he can’t get the interview he wants he’ll bail.
Bill Maher is pretty damn conservative tbh
Bill Maher is pretty damn conservative tbh
nah, he’s just an aging narcissist cunt
Agreed. I used to agree with a fair amount he had to say, but now I think he was being disagreeable so that he could appear edgy and smart, and it allowed him to talk down to people. I got tired of him a decade ago or more.
I used to watch his show 2018-2020, but I put in on my never-watch list after he invited a bunch of antivaxx “researchers”, who were low-level PhDs (meaning recent grads, who left academia/research for blogging[!]), and said stupid things. Also, in general BM’s takes on medical issues tend to be highly misinformed, bordering the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Maher being the aging narcissist cliché, always reminded me of some of my high school teachers and some of my med school profs when they bashed my generation [they raised] for being dumb and lazy. It takes a narcissist to not realize that dissing a generation raised by yours is always self-criticism. BM is even more pathetic about this because he both manages to diss millennials (and now GenZ) about being terminally on-line, and consistently make all his young generation bad references from Twitter.
I am so excited to tell you this.
When Tucker Carlson (right-wing shithead) was hosting a show called ‘Crossfire,’ and still wearing a stupid bow tie, he made the mistake of agreeing to have Jon Stewart on his show. Here’s a link to the wikipedia page. There is a whole page for this one incident.
Here is a line that might appeal: “Three months after the appearance, Crossfire was cancelled and Carlson was fired; commentators differ as to how impactful it actually was, but generally agree that Stewart was at least part of the reason.”
And one thing is for sure, Tucker Carlson may have kept his incredibly stupid “man just asking questions” expression… but he stopped wearing that stupid bow tie.
Be sure to provide appropriate furniture.