my costco hasn’t had eggs for a month now. i checked today and the egg section was simply gone, replaced with more milk. the egg price locally has hit infinity dollars
For anyone who was looking for a historical view:
People literally saw Biden fix the fucking mess that Date Rape Donny left for all of us, and the ship had just started to right itself, and now this. Literally from jan 1 to today, my portfolio has gone from being up over 60% to just 7%.
That kgb removed and his whole entourage are gonna get fucking burned alive. We’ll make what they did to Gaddafi look like a stern warning.
Make sure to start getting Intel on your local action items. Check open secrets for the biggest donors to trump in your area, cross reference that with members of foreign influence groups like the heritage foundation. Those people paid obscene amounts of money to make this shit a reality, but they are much softer targets. Shitbags like Diane Hendricks, Keith Rozolis, Kelcy Warren, Timothy Melon… Take your pick.
Even the stock market hates Cheeto Chief now.
Yeah, thanks to kraznov we’ll be in a fucking recession. Until he gets killed at least. Hope you’ve been saving up money for a home down payment. Prices are gonna drop hard this year
wE sHOuLD ruN tHE COUnTRY LiKe a bUSInESs!
Meaning “the worst possible service at the highest possible price.”
Problem is, they don’t know how to run businesses either.
- Had daddy’s money to get him going, and was in the US as an illegal immigrant (sure, tries to revisionist history the situation now.)
- Tesla: He came in after it was established, demanded to be revertigo’d to a founder, all cars were iterations on the original design until the CyberCuck.
- SpaceX: Musk founded it, but he didn’t do anything other than bitch at smart people. If you have money to burn and smart people working for you, you’re not innovating, you just have enough spaghetti to throw against the wall until you fix the problems that would have inevitably solved anyway.
- Boring Company: Just a scam based on something he saw on SeaQuest DSV when he was a kid to stop California from building surface high speed rail, oh, and a stupid blowtorch a child could have made in a garage.
- Starlink, sub of SpaceX: Likewise, spaghetti, and probably some weird fever dream of being a James Bond supervillain.
- A lot of what made Tesla, SpaceX, Starlink possible, was that he circumvented traditional engineering development processes to apply software development processes. (Likely because he had no idea and thinks he’s being “out-of-box” and “cyber”.) This leads to much more danger and waste, as software dev principles are absolute garbage for things that matter. That corner-cutting and money-burning, however, allowed him to develop faster than the traditional companies. Net-sum, maybe it has helped push innovation. However, when a space capsule gets lost in the atmosphere because of a bug in ImageMagick, people will probably rethink that idiocy. (Or all the people that have literally died because of defects in Tesla cars, already. Which is sad and anger-making. Just the fact they turn off auto-drive, including braking, just before a car wreck, to escape liability, is deplorable.)
Mango Mussolini
- Had mommy’s money to get him going
- Had 5 successful buildings built, mostly in the 1980s
- At least three of them had fraudulent financial statements, inflated valuations, and inflated tax losses
- At least four failed building ventures
- Had a failed “university”
- Failed vodka business (how hard is that, right?)
- Failed steak business (LOLWAT)
- Failed airline
- Failed board game
Not an exhaustive list.
More like a mafia protection racket.
The government should offload its debts into a shell government and let that declare bankruptcy!
That is wat too smart for trump
I was thinking of the real president, Musk.
OnE Of tRUMp$ BussNesses
That’s a tiny hand. Weirdly tiny.
Tariffs will continue until morale improves.
It is time for some tariffs on these fears.
Tariffs got us into this mess and, by god tariffs will get us out of it!