Fun fact: you can email authors of papers and ask for a PDF. Authors don’t get paid when you buy a paper (in fact it usually costs money to publish) and they’ll generally be happy to send out their work to anyone interested.
I know someone who did that, got the paper and a whole load of infodump on the topic
Some people are extremely happy to share their obscure knowledge
Definitely don’t use mobilism for a solid archive of epubs and audiobooks. It’d be awful if people had access to free and enriching entertainment
Scientific 👏 journals 👏 are 👏 a 👏 scam 👏 industry 👏
Is sci-hub updated again? I mean its good it still works for papers older than a few years, but does it for papers from the last few years?
I always appreciated the professors that looked out for us and warned us of the places not to get any textbooks from, with links so we could recognize what to avoid, of course.
Then we’d get a professor that gave up doing anything and had us buy a $200, license (with a $200 textbook) to an online course that taught and graded his class.
This is what professors in school and universities say when you need to use specific book but even they know it’s so damn expensive.