It’s a “hallucination”, not a lie.
@pmjv don’t give the MATA-facists ideas!
I’m only recording future history.
Your work as a time-travelling historian is nothing short of exemplary. As a person with who is half-Jewish, living with a lifelong disability, in chronic pain and with no home, I’m half a step away from packing my bags and buying a one-ticket to Ukraine. I’m sure they could use someone like me. That’s if Mr Marine barks at me again when I’m a noisy bastard when he’s asleep. Nothing to live for, yet living for schadenfreude against the powers that be. I wonder how long it is before Trump starts killing disabled people…
EDIT: Hey at least I have time to install Gentoo again. Back on the laptop and going on the Steam Deck. I really want to move back to BSD but there’s some stuff I’d be missing without…
It’s like the spirit of the machine!
What is MATA in this context?
The world-spanning megacorp.
Are these stills out of context or is this all the context there is for these slides?
I don’t know, I just draw them.
Check out , it’s all I can say