Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen is pushing to ban lab-grown meat, arguing it threatens traditional ranchers.
However, many ranchers and farm groups oppose the ban, saying they can compete without government interference.
Critics argue the move stifles free-market competition and is driven by industry protection, not public health concerns.
Supporters, including state Sen. Barry DeKay, cite safety worries but have shifted from economic arguments. Some groups favor clear labeling over an outright ban.
Florida and Alabama have already enacted similar prohibitions, while other states are considering them.
Can compete without government interference
The “ranchers” know that the second the lab-grown meat becomes economically viable, they can pivot and dramatically reduce their operating costs.
We aren’t talking about down-home simple folks, we are talking about wealthy businessmen that would not want to lose an option that could improve their wealth more.
This is one of those situations where the greed could work toward some good outcomes, given adequate regulation to keep them from just cutting some important corners.
Looking at the shit that Americans put in their food, saying it’s for health concerns is hilarious.
The ractopamine fed to pigs, turkey and cattle is scary.
Push to ban automobile manufacture as it threatens buggywhip makers.
Is this the famously “free market competition” before which we’re all expected to bend the knee?
Clowns in a clownshow.