I believe this has probably already been shared but we need to aware and ready. While I fear most of what happening. I ask this one consideration. If we can’t save much. Please protect our natural parks and forests. Whether through legal protest, calling and emailing representatives.
We’ve harmed those lands way too much and if we continue on the path we are. We may have none left. We can rebuild nearly everything else but that…
This article is extremely concerning. For any president to assume title of King or even dictator ever. Even spew those words. Is a danger to all no matter who you are.
We violate no laws when we save our country. We must save our country.
I wish it was that simple. We have a military the strongest ever. Now here’s where we are lucky. While I don’t expect all would support us. A decent amount would. The military will become in factions. Then the issue is I don’t know about the militia know as police.
The biggest issue. Someone already threatened Elon and got arrested. Until the king falls and he will. Any resistance is treason…
King huh? I guess we need to also bring guiltines.
Yes! I have a better idea but I don’t know if I can share it… Though totally not related, Remember in AC Brotherhood (I think it is) when the guy gets hanged from the flagpole. That’s was such a badass moment. A symbol of resistance.
He is making congestion not only in new York but also in the media. My homepages half of the articles in the list are about Trump or Musk and that is on purpose because they know normal people give up because they can’t keep up, and then they can do whatever much easier.
Flood the zone…
I’ll admit. I wish I could rest feeling calm. But… giving up isn’t possible… I seek the evolution of society not regression, but most of all. I can’t feel happy, calm anything peaceful. If those lands we haven’t harmed yet. Get destroyed. We have killed so many species, destroyed so much nature. I really considered for a while humans are a mistake. A curse upon the land. Many times we see ourselves as beings of unparalleled power and ability but in the end. We are the only species that can harm that which we inhabit. So much. Though we have the possibility to evolve beyond this. It’s not an easy task but it’s necessary. It’s not about democratic, republican or anything but about the future of everyone, everything.
Smith was correct. We are a virus, name another organism that kills its host
We already have a king. Burger King. 🍔 👑
There is no other room for royalty in this country lol
Hahahaaaa wow 😂 imagine Burger King decides to feed those in need upcoming fucking golden
In the US, presidents and other high ranking officials enjoy privileges and have powers that go far, faaaar beyond what a king has in a modern monarchy.
Vive la révolution ! Vive la liberté ! Que le roi rencontre la mort !
We should throw him a tea party.
Parks and forests = wood = money
Consider them gone through child slave labour as per project 2025…sadly